Source code for

#   This file is part of HILO-MPC
#   HILO-MPC is a toolbox for easy, flexible and fast development of machine-learning-supported
#   optimal control and estimation problems
#   Copyright (c) 2021 Johannes Pohlodek, Bruno Morabito, Rolf Findeisen
#                      All rights reserved
#   HILO-MPC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
#   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   HILO-MPC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#   along with HILO-MPC. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import copy
from itertools import product
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
import warnings

import casadi as ca
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import factorial, gamma as gamma_fun

from ....util.machine_learning import Parameter, Hyperparameter
from ....util.util import is_list_like

IntArray = Union[int, Sequence[int]]
Numeric = Union[int, float]
NumArray = Union[Numeric, Sequence[Numeric], np.ndarray]
Bounds = Dict[str, Union[str, Tuple[Numeric, Numeric]]]
Cov = TypeVar('Cov', bound='Kernel')
Array = TypeVar('Array', ca.SX, ca.MX, np.ndarray)
Param = TypeVar('Param', bound=Parameter)

[docs]class Kernel(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Kernel base class This base class implements the basic methods that are used for all basic kernels, e.g. dot product kernels and radial basis function kernels like the squared exponential. It also implements the methods for the composition of kernels with the addition, multiplication and exponentiation operation. :Note: The Kernel classes return a CasADi function for the respective inputs when called. Each basic Kernel class implements its own scalar covariance function. This base class implements the call method where the respective scalar covariance functions are generalized to the form of covariance matrices which will be returned as CasADi SX function. The SX symbol was chosen in accordance with the CasADi docs which recommend that low-level expressions are faster computed for SX symbols. :param active_dims: :type active_dims: int, list of int, optional """ def __init__(self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None): """Constructor method""" self.active_dims = active_dims def __add__(self, other: Cov) -> 'Sum': """Addition method""" return Sum(self, other) def __mul__(self, other: Cov) -> 'Product': """Multiplication method""" return Product(self, other) def __pow__(self, power: Numeric, modulo: Optional[int] = None) -> 'Power': """Power method""" return Power(self, power) def __radd__(self, other: Cov) -> 'Sum': """Addition method (from the right side)""" return Sum(other, self) def __rmul__(self, other: Cov) -> 'Product': """Multiplication method (from the right side)""" return Product(other, self) def __str__(self) -> str: """String representation method""" message = f"{self.__class__.__name__} with: \n" for attribute, value in self.__dict__.items(): message += f"\t {attribute}: {value} \n" return message def __call__(self, X: Array, X_bar: Optional[Array] = None) -> Array: """Calling method""" X_val = X X_bar_val = X_bar is_symbolic = False if isinstance(X, (ca.SX, ca.MX)): if X_bar is not None: if not isinstance(X_bar, (ca.SX, ca.MX)): raise ValueError("X and X_bar need to have the same type") is_symbolic = True else: if X_bar is not None: if isinstance(X_bar, (ca.SX, ca.MX)): raise ValueError("X and X_bar need to have the same type") X, X_bar, X_is_X_bar = _clean_input_matrices(X, X_bar) dimension_input_space = X.rows() if self.active_dims is None: active_dims = np.arange(dimension_input_space, dtype=np.int_) else: active_dims = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(self.active_dims, dtype=np.int_)) x = ca.SX.sym('x', dimension_input_space, 1) x_bar = ca.SX.sym('x_bar', dimension_input_space, 1) covariance_function = self.get_covariance_function(x, x_bar, active_dims) covariance_matrix = self.get_covariance_matrix(covariance_function, X, X_bar) if is_symbolic: hyperparameters = { parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters} else: hyperparameters = { parameter.log / 2. if 'variance' in else parameter.log for parameter in self.hyperparameters} if X_is_X_bar: K = covariance_matrix(X=X_val, X_bar=X_val, **hyperparameters)['covariance'] else: K = covariance_matrix(X=X_val, X_bar=X_bar_val, **hyperparameters)['covariance'] if is_symbolic: return K else: return K.full() @property def hyperparameters(self) -> List[Param]: """ List of all hyperparameters in the kernel. This attribute can be easily used to access specific attributes of all hyperparameters in generator expressions or list comprehensions. """ hyperparameters = [] for attribute in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(attribute, Parameter): hyperparameters.append(attribute) return hyperparameters @property def hyperparameter_names(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: """ names = [] for attribute in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(attribute, Parameter): names.append( return names
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ pass
[docs] def get_covariance_matrix(self, covariance_function: ca.Function, X: ca.SX, X_bar: ca.SX) -> ca.Function: """ :param covariance_function: :param X: :param X_bar: :return: """ observations_in_X = X.columns() observations_in_X_bar = X_bar.columns() K = ca.SX.sym('K', observations_in_X, observations_in_X_bar) hyperparameter_symbols = { hyperparameter.SX for hyperparameter in self.hyperparameters} hyperparameter_names = [ for hyperparameter in self.hyperparameters] # TODO: Could maybe be faster with map? for i, j in product(range(observations_in_X), range(observations_in_X_bar)): K[i, j] = covariance_function(x=X[:, i], x_bar=X_bar[:, j], **hyperparameter_symbols)['covariance'] covariance_matrix = ca.Function( 'K', [X, X_bar, *hyperparameter_symbols.values()], [K], ['X', 'X_bar', *hyperparameter_names], ['covariance'] ) return covariance_matrix
[docs] def is_bounded(self) -> bool: # pragma: no cover """ :return: """ for parameter in self.hyperparameters: bounds = parameter.log_bounds if bounds[0] != -ca.inf: return True if bounds[1] != ca.inf: return True return False
[docs] def update(self, *args) -> None: """ :param args: :return: """ self.parent.update(*args)
[docs] @staticmethod def constant(bias: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None) -> Cov: """ :param bias: :param bounds: :return: """ return ConstantKernel(bias=bias, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def squared_exponential( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param length_scales: :param ard: :param bounds: :return: """ return SquaredExponentialKernel(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def exponential( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param length_scales: :param ard: :param bounds: :return: """ return ExponentialKernel(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def matern_32( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param length_scales: :param ard: :param bounds: :return: """ return Matern32Kernel(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def matern_52( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param length_scales: :param ard: :param bounds: :return: """ return Matern52Kernel(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def rational_quadratic( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., alpha: Numeric = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param length_scales: :param alpha: :param ard: :param bounds: :return: """ return RationalQuadraticKernel(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, alpha=alpha, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def piecewise_polynomial( degree: int, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param degree: :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param length_scales: :param ard: :param bounds: :return: """ return PiecewisePolynomialKernel(degree, active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def polynomial( degree: int, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., offset: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param degree: :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param offset: :param bounds: :return: """ return PolynomialKernel(degree, active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, offset=offset, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def linear( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param bounds: :return: """ return LinearKernel(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def neural_network( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., weight_variance: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param weight_variance: :param bounds: :return: """ return NeuralNetworkKernel(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, weight_variance=weight_variance, bounds=bounds)
[docs] @staticmethod def periodic( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., period: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> Cov: """ :param active_dims: :param signal_variance: :param length_scales: :param period: :param bounds: :return: """ return PeriodicKernel(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, period=period, bounds=bounds)
[docs]class ConstantKernel(Kernel): """ Constant covariance function :param bias: :type bias: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "Const" def __init__( self, bias: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__() hyper_kwargs = {} if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover bias_bounds = bounds.get('bias') if bias_bounds is not None: if bias_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = bias_bounds self.bias = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.bias', value=bias, **hyper_kwargs)
[docs] def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ Covariance function of constant as follows: bias^2 :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ log_bias = self.bias.SX covariance_function = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, log_bias], [ca.exp(2 * log_bias)], ['x', 'x_bar',], ['covariance'] ) return covariance_function
class StationaryKernel(Kernel, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base for stationary kernels In the isotropic form the characteristic length scale is the same for every input dimensions. By parameterization each input dimension can be given a length scales, thus enabling automatic relevance detection during training. :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "Stat" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims) hyper_kwargs = {} if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover length_scale_bounds = bounds.get('length_scales') if length_scale_bounds is not None: if length_scale_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = length_scale_bounds if ard and active_dims is None: raise ValueError("The key word 'ard' can only be set to True if the key word 'active_dims' was supplied") if active_dims is not None and is_list_like(length_scales): if len(active_dims) != len(length_scales): raise ValueError(f"Dimension mismatch between 'active_dims' ({len(active_dims)}) and the number of " f"length_scales ({len(length_scales)})") if not is_list_like(length_scales) and ard: length_scales = len(active_dims) * [length_scales] self.length_scales = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.length_scales', value=length_scales, **hyper_kwargs) def get_parameterized_length_scales(self, dimension_input_space: int, log_length_scales: ca.SX) -> ca.Function: """ The parameterized notation allows for automatic relevance detection if the length scales are given as vector (the kernel is considered anisotropic). :param dimension_input_space: :param log_length_scales: :return: """ if self.is_isotropic(): M = ca.Function('M', [log_length_scales], [ca.exp(-2 * log_length_scales) * ca.SX.eye(dimension_input_space)]) elif log_length_scales.numel() == dimension_input_space: M = ca.Function('M', [log_length_scales], [ca.diag(ca.exp(-2 * log_length_scales))]) else: raise ValueError("Length scales vector dimension does not equal input space dimension.") return M def is_isotropic(self) -> bool: """ :return: """ return self.length_scales.is_scalar() class GammaExponentialKernel(StationaryKernel): """ Gamma-exponential covariance function :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param alpha: :type alpha: :param gamma: :type gamma: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "GE" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., alpha: Optional[Numeric] = None, gamma: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds) if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds = bounds.get('signal_variance') gamma_bounds = bounds.get('gamma') alpha_bounds = bounds.get('alpha') else: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds, gamma_bounds, alpha_bounds = None, None, None hyper_kwargs = {} if variance_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if variance_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = variance_bounds self.signal_variance = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.signal_variance', value=signal_variance, **hyper_kwargs) hyper_kwargs = {} if gamma == 2.: raise ValueError("Value of the hyperparameter 'gamma' is set to 2. Use the squared exponential kernel " "instead.") gamma /= 2 - gamma if gamma_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if gamma_bounds == 'fixed': if gamma <= 0. or gamma > 2.: raise ValueError("Value of the hyperparameter 'gamma' needs to be between 0 and 2") hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: gamma_bounds = list(gamma_bounds) if gamma_bounds[0] < 0.: warnings.warn("Value of hyperparameter 'gamma' needs to be bigger than 0. Switching lower bound to " "0...") gamma_bounds[0] = 0. if gamma_bounds[1] > 2.: warnings.warn("Value of hyperparameter 'gamma' needs to be smaller than 2. Switching upper bound to" " 2...") gamma_bounds[1] = 2. gamma_bounds[0] /= 2 - gamma_bounds[0] gamma_bounds[1] /= 2 - gamma_bounds[1] hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = tuple(gamma_bounds) self.gamma = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.gamma', value=gamma, **hyper_kwargs) if alpha is not None: hyper_kwargs = {} if alpha_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if alpha_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = alpha_bounds self.alpha = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.alpha', value=alpha, **hyper_kwargs) else: self.alpha = 1. def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ Covariance function of gamma exponential as follows: .. math:: \sigma^2 \cdot \exp(-1/2 \cdot ((x-x_{bar})^T M (x-x_{bar}))^{\gamma-1}) where :math:`M` is the parameterized matrix of length scales :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ log_std = self.signal_variance.SX log_length_scales = self.length_scales.SX log_gamma = self.gamma if isinstance(log_gamma, Parameter): gamma_arg_name = [] log_gamma = log_gamma.SX gamma_arg = [log_gamma] else: log_gamma = ca.DM(log_gamma) log_gamma = ca.log(log_gamma / (2 - log_gamma)) gamma_arg = [] gamma_arg_name = [] p = 2 / (1 - ca.exp(-log_gamma)) log_alpha = self.alpha if isinstance(log_alpha, Parameter): alpha_arg_name = [] log_alpha = log_alpha.SX alpha_arg = [log_alpha] else: log_alpha = ca.log(log_alpha) alpha_arg = [] alpha_arg_name = [] M = self.get_parameterized_length_scales(active_dims.size, log_length_scales) d2 = _mahalanobis_distance_squared(x[active_dims], x_bar[active_dims], M(log_length_scales)) covariance_function = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, log_std, log_length_scales] + gamma_arg + alpha_arg, [ca.exp(2 * log_std - ca.exp(log_alpha) * d2 ** (p / 2))], ['x', 'x_bar',,] + gamma_arg_name + alpha_arg_name, ['covariance'] ) return covariance_function
[docs]class SquaredExponentialKernel(GammaExponentialKernel): """ Squared exponential covariance function :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "SE" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds) self.gamma = 2. self.alpha = .5
[docs]class MaternKernel(StationaryKernel): """ Base for Matérn class of covariance functions :param p: :type p: :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "Matern" def __init__( self, p: int, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds) if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds = bounds.get('signal_variance') else: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds = None hyper_kwargs = {} if variance_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if variance_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = variance_bounds self.signal_variance = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.signal_variance', value=signal_variance, **hyper_kwargs) self._p = p
[docs] def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ nu = self._p + .5 log_std = self.signal_variance.SX log_length_scales = self.length_scales.SX M = self.get_parameterized_length_scales(active_dims.size, log_length_scales) d2 = _mahalanobis_distance_squared(x[active_dims], x_bar[active_dims], M(log_length_scales)) if self._p > 1: gamma_p_plus_1 = gamma_fun(self._p + 1) gamma_2p_plus_1 = gamma_fun(2 * self._p + 1) poly1d = [gamma_p_plus_1 / gamma_2p_plus_1 * factorial(self._p + k) / ( factorial(k) * factorial(self._p - k)) * 2. ** (self._p - k) for k in range(self._p - 1)] else: poly1d = [] if self._p == 0: poly1d.append(0.) elif self._p >= 1.: poly1d.append(1.) for k in range(len(poly1d) - 1, 0, -1): poly1d[k - 1] /= poly1d[k] d = ca.sqrt(2 * nu * d2) f = 1. + d * poly1d[0] for k in range(1, len(poly1d)): f = 1. + d * poly1d[k] * f covariance_function = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, log_std, log_length_scales], [ca.exp(2 * log_std - d) * f], ['x', 'x_bar',,], ['covariance'] ) return covariance_function
[docs]class ExponentialKernel(MaternKernel): """ Exponential covariance function :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "E" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(0, active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs]class Matern32Kernel(MaternKernel): """ Matérn covariance function where :math:`{\\nu}` = 3/2 :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "M32" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(1, active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs]class Matern52Kernel(MaternKernel): """ Matérn covariance function where :math:`{\\nu}` = 5/2 :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "M52" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(2, active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds)
[docs]class RationalQuadraticKernel(StationaryKernel): """ Rational quadratic covariance function :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param alpha: :type alpha: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "RQ" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., alpha: Numeric = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds) if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds = bounds.get('signal_variance') alpha_bounds = bounds.get('alpha') else: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds, alpha_bounds = None, None hyper_kwargs = {} if variance_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if variance_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = variance_bounds self.signal_variance = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.signal_variance', value=signal_variance, **hyper_kwargs) hyper_kwargs = {} if alpha_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if alpha_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = alpha_bounds self.alpha = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.alpha', value=alpha, **hyper_kwargs)
[docs] def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ Covariance function of rational quadratic as follows: .. math:: \sigma \cdot [1+1/(2\cdot\\alpha)\cdot(x-x_{bar})^T M (x-x_{bar})]^{-\\alpha} where :math:`M` is the parameterized matrix of length scales :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ log_std = self.signal_variance.SX log_length_scales = self.length_scales.SX log_alpha = self.alpha.SX M = self.get_parameterized_length_scales(active_dims.size, log_length_scales) d2 = _mahalanobis_distance_squared(x[active_dims], x_bar[active_dims], M(log_length_scales)) covariance_function = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, log_std, log_length_scales, log_alpha], [ca.exp(2 * log_std) * (1 + .5 * d2 / ca.exp(log_alpha)) ** (-ca.exp(log_alpha))], # [ca.exp(2 * log_std - ca.exp(log_alpha) * ca.log(1 + .5 * d2 / ca.exp(log_alpha)))], ['x', 'x_bar',,,], ['covariance'] ) return covariance_function
[docs]class PiecewisePolynomialKernel(StationaryKernel): """ Piecewise polynomial covariance function with compact support :param degree: :type degree: :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param ard: :type ard: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "PP" def __init__( self, degree: int, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: NumArray = 1., ard: bool = False, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" if degree not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError("The parameter 'degree' has to be one of the following integers: 0, 1, 2, 3") super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims, length_scales=length_scales, ard=ard, bounds=bounds) if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds = bounds.get('signal_variance') else: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds = None hyper_kwargs = {} if variance_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if variance_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = variance_bounds self.signal_variance = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.signal_variance', value=signal_variance, **hyper_kwargs) self._q = degree @property def degree(self) -> int: """ :return: """ return self._q @degree.setter def degree(self, value: int) -> None: if value not in [0, 1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError("The property 'degree' has to be one of the following integers: 0, 1, 2, 3") self._q = value
[docs] def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ q = self._q j = ca.floor(active_dims.size / 2) + q + 1 log_std = self.signal_variance.SX log_length_scales = self.length_scales.SX M = self.get_parameterized_length_scales(active_dims.size, log_length_scales) d2 = _mahalanobis_distance_squared(x[active_dims], x_bar[active_dims], M(log_length_scales)) d = ca.sqrt(d2) if q == 0: f = 1. elif q == 1: f = (j + 1) * d + 1 elif q == 2: f = (j ** 2 + 4 * j + 3) / 3 * d2 + (j + 2) * d + 1 elif q == 3: f = (j ** 3 + 9 * j ** 2 + 23 * j + 15) / 15 * d ** 3 + (6 * j ** 2 + 36 * j + 45) / 15 * d2 + ( j + 3) * d + 1 else: raise RuntimeError("The parameter 'q' has to be one of the following integers: 0, 1, 2, 3") compact_support = (d < 1.) * ca.fmax(1. - d, 0.) ** (j + q) covariance_function = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, log_std, log_length_scales], [ca.exp(2 * log_std) * compact_support * f], ['x', 'x_bar',,], ['covariance'] ) return covariance_function
[docs]class DotProductKernel(Kernel, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base for all dot product kernels :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param offset: :type offset: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "Dot" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., offset: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims) if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds = bounds.get('signal_variance') offset_bounds = bounds.get('offset') else: # pragma: no cover variance_bounds, offset_bounds = None, None hyper_kwargs = {} if variance_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if variance_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = variance_bounds self.signal_variance = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.signal_variance', value=signal_variance, **hyper_kwargs) hyper_kwargs = {} if offset_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if offset_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = offset_bounds self.offset = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.offset', value=offset, **hyper_kwargs)
[docs]class PolynomialKernel(DotProductKernel): """ Polynomial covariance function :param degree: :type degree: :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param offset: :type offset: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "Poly" def __init__( self, degree: int, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., offset: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, offset=offset, bounds=bounds) self._p = degree @property def degree(self) -> int: """ :return: """ return self._p @degree.setter def degree(self, value: int) -> None: self._p = value
[docs] def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ Covariance function of polynomial as follows: (sigma_bias^2 + sigma_signal^2 * (x dot x_bar))^p :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ p = self._p log_std = self.signal_variance.SX log_offset = self.offset if isinstance(log_offset, Parameter): offset_arg_name = [] log_offset = log_offset.SX offset_arg = [log_offset] else: log_offset = ca.log(log_offset) offset_arg = [] offset_arg_name = [] covariance_function = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, log_std] + offset_arg, [ca.exp(2 * log_std) * (x[active_dims].T @ x_bar[active_dims] + ca.exp(log_offset)) ** p], ['x', 'x_bar',] + offset_arg_name, ['covariance'] ) return covariance_function
[docs]class LinearKernel(PolynomialKernel): """ Linear covariance function :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "Lin" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(1, active_dims=active_dims, signal_variance=signal_variance, bounds=bounds) self.offset = 0.
[docs]class NeuralNetworkKernel(Kernel): """ Neural network covariance function :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param weight_variance: :type weight_variance: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "NN" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., weight_variance: Numeric = 1., bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims) if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover signal_variance_bounds = bounds.get('signal_variance') weight_variance_bounds = bounds.get('weight_variance') else: # pragma: no cover signal_variance_bounds, weight_variance_bounds = None, None hyper_kwargs = {} if signal_variance_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if signal_variance_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = signal_variance_bounds self.signal_variance = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.signal_variance', value=signal_variance, **hyper_kwargs) hyper_kwargs = {} if weight_variance_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if weight_variance_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = weight_variance_bounds self.weight_variance = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.weight_variance', value=weight_variance, **hyper_kwargs)
[docs] def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ log_std = self.signal_variance.SX log_weight = self.weight_variance.SX num = 1. + x[active_dims].T @ x_bar[active_dims] den1 = ca.sqrt(ca.exp(2 * log_weight) + 1. + x[active_dims].T @ x[active_dims]) den2 = ca.sqrt(ca.exp(2 * log_weight) + 1. + x_bar[active_dims].T @ x_bar[active_dims]) covariance_function = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, log_std, log_weight], [ca.exp(2 * log_std) * ca.asin(num / (den1 * den2))], ['x', 'x_bar',,], ['covariance'] ) return covariance_function
[docs]class PeriodicKernel(Kernel): """ Periodic covariance function :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param signal_variance: :type signal_variance: :param length_scales: :type length_scales: :param period: :type period: :param bounds: :type bounds: """ acronym = "Periodic" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, signal_variance: Numeric = 1., length_scales: Numeric = 1., period: Numeric = 1, bounds: Optional[Bounds] = None ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims) if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover signal_variance_bounds = bounds.get('signal_variance') length_scales_bounds = bounds.get('length_scales') period_bounds = bounds.get('period') else: # pragma: no cover signal_variance_bounds, length_scales_bounds, period_bounds = None, None, None hyper_kwargs = {} if signal_variance_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if signal_variance_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = signal_variance_bounds self.signal_variance = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.signal_variance', value=signal_variance, **hyper_kwargs) hyper_kwargs = {} if length_scales_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if length_scales_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = length_scales_bounds self.length_scales = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.length_scales', value=length_scales, **hyper_kwargs) hyper_kwargs = {} if period_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if period_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = period_bounds self.period = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.period', value=period, **hyper_kwargs)
[docs] def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ Covariance function of exponential sine as follows: .. math:: \sigma^2 \cdot \exp\\left(-1/2 \cdot \\frac{\sin(x-x_{bar})^T}{p} M \\frac{\sin(x-x_{bar})}{p}\\right) where :math:`M` is the parameterized matrix of length scales :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ log_std = self.signal_variance.SX log_length_scales = self.length_scales.SX log_period = self.period.SX arg = ca.sin(ca.pi * (x[active_dims] - x_bar[active_dims]) / ca.exp(log_period)) / ca.exp(log_length_scales) covariance_function = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, log_std, log_length_scales, log_period], [ca.exp(2 * log_std - 2 * arg ** 2)], ['x', 'x_bar',,,], ['covariance'] ) return covariance_function
class KernelOperator(Kernel, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Kernel operator base class There are three basic operations to composite kernels which preserve their properties as valid covariance matrices. These are addition, multiplication and exponentiation. :param kernel_1: :param kernel_2: """ def __init__(self, kernel_1: Cov, kernel_2: Optional[Cov] = None) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__() self.kernel_1 = copy.deepcopy(kernel_1) if kernel_2 is not None: self.kernel_2 = copy.deepcopy(kernel_2) else: self.kernel_2 = kernel_2 self.disambiguate_hyperparameter_names() @property def hyperparameters(self) -> List[Param]: """ List of all hyperparameters in the kernel. This attribute can be easily used to access specific attributes of all hyperparameters in generator expressions or list comprehensions. """ if self.kernel_2 is not None: return self.kernel_1.hyperparameters + self.kernel_2.hyperparameters else: return self.kernel_1.hyperparameters @property def hyperparameter_names(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: """ if self.kernel_2 is not None: return self.kernel_1.hyperparameter_names + self.kernel_2.hyperparameter_names else: return self.kernel_1.hyperparameter_names def disambiguate_hyperparameter_names(self) -> None: """ :return: """ if self.kernel_2 is not None: kernel_1_has_acronym = hasattr(self.kernel_1, 'acronym') kernel_2_has_acronym = hasattr(self.kernel_2, 'acronym') if kernel_1_has_acronym and kernel_2_has_acronym: if self.kernel_1.acronym == self.kernel_2.acronym: for parameter in self.kernel_1.hyperparameters: old_name = if '.' in old_name: new_name = self.kernel_1.acronym + '_1.' + old_name.split('.')[1] else: new_name = self.kernel_1.acronym + '_1.' + old_name = new_name for parameter in self.kernel_2.hyperparameters: old_name = if '.' in old_name: new_name = self.kernel_2.acronym + '_2.' + old_name.split('.')[1] else: new_name = self.kernel_2.acronym + '_2.' + old_name = new_name elif kernel_1_has_acronym: kernel_2_acronyms = dict.fromkeys([name.split('.')[0] for name in self.kernel_2.hyperparameter_names]) has_kernel_1_acronym = [self.kernel_1.acronym in name for name in kernel_2_acronyms] ct = 1 for k, val in enumerate(kernel_2_acronyms.keys()): if has_kernel_1_acronym[k]: ct += 1 kernel_2_acronyms[val] = ct for parameter in self.kernel_1.hyperparameters: old_name = if '.' in old_name: new_name = self.kernel_1.acronym + '_1.' + old_name.split('.')[1] else: new_name = self.kernel_1.acronym + '_1.' + old_name = new_name for parameter in self.kernel_2.hyperparameters: args ='.') old_acronym = args[0] val = kernel_2_acronyms.get(old_acronym) if val is not None: new_acronym = old_acronym.split('_')[0] + '_' + str(val) = new_acronym + '.' + args[1] elif kernel_2_has_acronym: kernel_1_acronyms = set([name.split('.')[0] for name in self.kernel_1.hyperparameter_names]) has_kernel_2_acronym = [self.kernel_2.acronym in name for name in kernel_1_acronyms] new_index = has_kernel_2_acronym.count(True) + 1 for parameter in self.kernel_2.hyperparameters: old_name = if '.' in old_name: new_name = self.kernel_2.acronym + '_' + str(new_index) + '.' + old_name.split('.')[1] else: new_name = self.kernel_2.acronym + '_' + str(new_index) + '.' + old_name = new_name else: kernel_1_acronyms = set([name.split('.')[0] for name in self.kernel_1.hyperparameter_names]) kernel_1_acronyms = [name.split('_')[0] for name in kernel_1_acronyms] kernel_2_acronyms = dict.fromkeys([name.split('.')[0] for name in self.kernel_2.hyperparameter_names]) kernel_2_counter = {} for k, val in enumerate(kernel_2_acronyms.keys()): args = val.split('_') acronym = args[0] count = kernel_1_acronyms.count(acronym) kernel_2_count = kernel_2_counter.get(acronym) if kernel_2_count is not None: count += kernel_2_count kernel_2_counter[acronym] += 1 else: kernel_2_counter[acronym] = 1 if count != 0: kernel_2_acronyms[val] = count + 1 for parameter in self.kernel_2.hyperparameters: args ='.') old_acronym = args[0] val = kernel_2_acronyms.get(old_acronym) if val is not None: new_acronym = old_acronym.split('_')[0] + '_' + str(val) = new_acronym + '.' + args[1] class Scale(KernelOperator): """""" def __init__(self, kernel: Cov, scale: Numeric) -> None: super().__init__(kernel, kernel_2=None) self.scale = scale class Sum(KernelOperator): """ Sum operator for covariance functions :param kernel_1: :type kernel_1: :param kernel_2: :type kernel_2: """ def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ K_1 = self.kernel_1(x, x_bar) K_2 = self.kernel_2(x, x_bar) hyperparameters = [parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters] hyperparameter_names = [ for parameter in self.hyperparameters] K_sum = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, *hyperparameters], [K_1 + K_2], ['x', 'x_bar', *hyperparameter_names], ['covariance'] ) return K_sum class Product(KernelOperator): """ Product operator for covariance functions :param kernel_1: :type kernel_1: :param kernel_2: :type kernel_2: """ def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ K_1 = self.kernel_1(x, x_bar) K_2 = self.kernel_2(x, x_bar) hyperparameters = [parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters] hyperparameter_names = [ for parameter in self.hyperparameters] K_prod = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, *hyperparameters], [K_1 * K_2], ['x', 'x_bar', *hyperparameter_names], ['covariance'] ) return K_prod class Power(KernelOperator): """ Power operator for covariance functions :param kernel: :type kernel: :param power: :type power: """ def __init__(self, kernel: Cov, power: Numeric) -> None: super().__init__(kernel, kernel_2=None) self.power = power def get_covariance_function(self, x: ca.SX, x_bar: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param x_bar: :param active_dims: :return: """ K = self.kernel_1(x) power = self.power hyperparameters = [parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters] hyperparameter_names = [ for parameter in self.hyperparameters] K_pow = ca.Function( 'covariance', [x, x_bar, *hyperparameters], [K ** power], ['x', 'x_bar', *hyperparameter_names], ['covariance'] ) return K_pow class Warp(KernelOperator): """""" def _clean_input_matrices(X: Array, X_bar: Optional[Array] = None) -> (ca.SX, ca.SX, bool): """ Arbitrary array-like input matrix/matrices are converted to CasADi SX symbols. In the case of a single input matrix the resulting SX symbols are disambiguated, meaning they have unique CasADi identifiers. :param X: :param X_bar: :return: """ if not isinstance(X, (ca.SX, ca.MX, ca.DM)): X = np.atleast_2d(X) X = ca.SX.sym('X', *X.shape) X_is_X_bar = False if X_bar is None or X_bar is X: X_bar = ca.SX.sym('X_bar', *X.shape) X_is_X_bar = True if not isinstance(X_bar, (ca.SX, ca.MX, ca.DM)): X_bar = np.atleast_2d(X_bar) X_bar = ca.SX.sym('X_bar', *X_bar.shape) assert X.shape[0] == X_bar.shape[0], "X and X_bar do not have the same input space dimensions" return X, X_bar, X_is_X_bar def _mahalanobis_distance_squared(x, y, S): """ :param x: :param y: :param S: :return: """ x_minus_y = x - y return x_minus_y.T @ S @ x_minus_y __all__ = [ 'Kernel', 'ConstantKernel', # 'GammaExponentialKernel', 'SquaredExponentialKernel', 'MaternKernel', 'ExponentialKernel', 'Matern32Kernel', 'Matern52Kernel', 'RationalQuadraticKernel', 'PiecewisePolynomialKernel', 'DotProductKernel', 'PolynomialKernel', 'LinearKernel', 'NeuralNetworkKernel', 'PeriodicKernel' ]