- class hilo_mpc.NMPC(model, id=None, name=None, plot_backend=None, use_sx=True, stats=False)[source]¶
Class for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
- check_consistency()¶
- Returns:
- create_path_variable(name='theta', u_pf_lb=0.0001, u_pf_ub=1, u_pf_ref=None, u_pf_weight=10, theta_guess=0, theta_lb=0, theta_ub=inf)[source]¶
Set the path following variable. This must be used for building SX expression of the path.
- Parameters:
name (string) – name of the variable, default = ‘theta’
u_pf_lb (float) – lower bound on the path virtual input vellb≤˙θ, default = 0.0001
u_pf_ub (float) – upper bound on the path virtual input velub≥˙θ, default = 1
u_pf_ref (float) – Reference for the path virtual input, default = None
u_pf_weight (float) – Weight for the path virtual input , default = 10
theta_guess –
theta_lb –
theta_ub –
- Returns:
- get_reference(time)[source]¶
Returns reference values at a given time. If works for path following, trajectory tracking and reference tracking problems. For the reference tracking problem it returns always a (constant) reference.
- Parameters:
time –
- Returns:
- is_setup()¶
- Returns:
- optimize(x0, cp=None, tvp=None, v0=None, runs=0, fix_x0=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Solves the MPC problem
- Parameters:
x0 (list or casadi DM) – current system state
cp (list or casadi DM, optional) – constant system parameters (these will be assumed constant along the prediction horizon)
tvp (dict, optional) – time-varying system parameters (these can change during prediction horizon, entire parameter history must be passed in)
v0 (list or casadi DM, optional) – initial guess of the optimal vector
runs (int) – number of optimizations to run. If different from zero will run very optimization will perturb the initial guess v0 randomly. ACHTUNG: This could cause problems with the integrators or give something outside constraints. The output will be the solution with the minimum objective function (default 0)
fix_x0 (bool) – If True, the first state is fixed as the measured states. This is the classic MPC approach. If False, also the initial state is optimized.
- Returns:
u_opt: first piece of optimal control sequence
- plot_iterations(plot_states=False, **kwargs)¶
This plots the states and constraints for every mpc iteration. Useful to debug. At the moment it is working only with Bokeh. Warning: if the optimizer computes a large number of iterations the plots might take a bit of time to show up.
- Parameters:
plot_states – if True, also the states are plotted
kwargs – If you pass ‘plot_last’ only the last iteration is plotted. This is to avoid very busy figures.
- Returns:
- plot_prediction(save_plot=False, plot_dir=None, name_file='mpc_prediction.html', show_plot=True, extras=None, extras_names=None, title=None, format_figure=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Plots the MPC predicted values.
- Parameters:
save_plot (bool) – if True plot will be saved under ‘plot_dir/name_file.html’ if they are declared, otherwise in current directory
plot_dir (str) – path to the folder where plots are saved (default = None)
name_file (str) – name of the file where plot will be saved (default = mpc_prediction.html)
show_plot (bool) – if True, shows plots (default = False)
extras (dict) – dictionary with values that will be plotted over the predictions if keys are equal to predicted states/inputs.
extras_names (list) – tags that will be attached to the extras in the legend
title (str) – title of the plots
format_figure (python function taking a bokeh figure object as an input) – python function that modifies the format of the figure
- Returns:
- reset_solution()¶
- Returns:
- set_box_constraints(x_ub=None, x_lb=None, u_ub=None, u_lb=None, y_ub=None, y_lb=None, z_ub=None, z_lb=None)[source]¶
Set box constraints to the model’s variables. These look like
xlb≤x≤xub- Parameters:
x_ub (list, numpy array or CasADi DM array) – upper bound on states.
x_lb (list, numpy array or CasADi DM array) – lower bound on states
u_ub (list, numpy array or CasADi DM array) – upper bound on inputs
u_lb (list, numpy array or CasADi DM array) – lower bound on inputs
y_ub (list, numpy array or CasADi DM array) – upper bound on measurements
y_lb (list, numpy array or CasADi DM array) – lower bound on measurements
z_ub (list, numpy array or CasADi DM array) – upper bound on algebraic states
z_lb (list, numpy array or CasADi DM array) – lower bound on algebraic states
- Returns:
- set_compiler(method, compiler)¶
- Parameters:
method –
compiler –
- Returns:
- set_custom_constraints_function(fun=None, lb=None, ub=None, soft=False, max_violation=inf)¶
- Set a custom function that will be added as last position in the nonlinear constraints vector:
lb <= fun <= ub
- This must take the entire optimization vector z and the indices of states and inputs as
fun(v, x_ind, u_ind)
- Parameters:
fun – python function
lb – lower bound
ub – upper bound
soft –
max_violation –
- Returns:
- set_initial_guess(x_guess=None, u_guess=None, z_guess=None)¶
Sets initial guess for the optimizer when no other information of the states or inputs are available. :param x_guess: optimal state guesss :type x_guess: list, numpy array, float or casADi DM array :param u_guess: optimal input guess :type u_guess: list, numpy array, float or casADi DM array :param z_guess: optimal algebraic states guess :type z_guess: list, numpy array, float or casADi DM array :return:
- set_nlp_options(*args, **kwargs)¶
Sets the options that modify how the MPC problem is set
- Parameters:
args –
kwargs –
- Returns:
- set_nlp_solver(solver)¶
Set the solver for the MPC. Possible options are For nonlinear programming problems (e.g. nonlinear MPC) - ‘ipopt’, ‘bonmin’, ‘knitro’, ‘snopt’, ‘worhp’, ‘scpgen’, ‘sqpmethod’, ‘blocksqp’, ‘AmplInterface’ for quadratic programmin problems (e.g. linear MPC) - ‘qpoases’, ‘cplex’, ‘gurobi’, ‘oopq’, ‘sqic’, ‘nlp For more info refer to the CasADi documentation
- Parameters:
solver –
- Returns:
- set_quadratic_stage_cost(states=None, cost_states=None, states_references=None, inputs=None, cost_inputs=None, inputs_references=None)[source]¶
More compact way to set the quadratic cost for the MPC. Mostly left for backwards compatibility. To use only for set-point-tracking problems.
- Parameters:
states (list) – list of states name that will appear in the quadratic cost
cost_states (list, numpy array, or casADi DM array) – weights values that will be multiplied by the states
states_references (list) – list of reference values
inputs (list) – list of inputs names that will be multiplied by the states
cost_inputs (list, numpy array, or casADi DM array) – list of inputs weights that will be multiplied by the states
inputs_references (list) – list of inputs reference values
- Returns:
- set_quadratic_terminal_cost(states=None, cost=None, references=None)[source]¶
More compact way to set the quadratic cost for the MPC. Mostly left for backwards compatibility. To use only for set-point-tracking problems.
- Parameters:
states (list) – list of states name that will appear in the quadratic cost
cost (list, numpy array or CasADi DM) – list of weights values that will be multiplied by the states
references – list of references values for the states
- Returns:
- set_sampling_interval(dt=None)¶
- Parameters:
dt –
- Returns:
- set_scaling(x_scaling=None, u_scaling=None, y_scaling=None)¶
Pass the scaling factors of states, inputs and outputs. This is important for system with where the optimization variable can have a large difference of order of magnitude. The scaling factors divide the respective variables.
- Parameters:
x_scaling (list) – scaling factors for the states
u_scaling (list) – scaling of scaling factors for inputs
y_scaling (list) – scaling of scaling factors for outputs
- Returns:
- set_solver_opts(*args, **kwargs)¶
Sets the nonlinear programming settings. This can be a dictionary or key-valued arguments These correspond to the option of the used nlp solver, for example ipopt or bonmin :param args: :param kwargs: :return:
- set_stage_constraints(stage_constraint=None, lb=None, ub=None, is_soft=False, max_violation=inf, weight=None, name='stage_constraint')¶
Allows to add a (nonlinear) stage constraint.
- Parameters:
stage_constraint – SX expression. It has to contain variables of the model
lb – Vector or list float,integer or casadi.DM. Lower bound on the constraint
ub – Vector or list float,integer or casadi.DM. Upper bound on the constraint
is_soft – bool: if True soft constraints are used.
max_violation – (optional) Vector or list float,integer or casadi.DM. Maximum violation if constraint is soft. If None, there is no limit on the violation of the soft constraints
weight – (optional) matrix of appropriate dimension. If is_soft=True it will be used to weight the soft constraint in the objective function using a quadratic cost.
name –
- Returns:
- set_terminal_constraints(terminal_constraint, name='terminal_constraint', lb=None, ub=None, is_soft=False, max_violation=inf, weight=None)[source]¶
Allows to add a (nonlinear) terminal constraint.
- Parameters:
terminal_constraint (CasADi SX expression) – It has to contain variables of the model
lb (list of float, integer or casadi.DM.) – Lower bound on the constraint
ub (list of float, integer or casadi.DM.) – Upper bound on the constraint
is_soft (bool) – if True soft constraints are used (default False)
max_violation (list float,integer or casadi.DM) – (optional) Maximum violation if constraint is soft. Default: inf
weight (casadi.DM) – (optional) matrix of appropriate dimension. If is_soft=True it will be used to weight the soft constraint in the objective function using a quadratic cost.
- Returns:
- set_time_varying_parameters(names=None, values=None)¶
Sets the time-varying parameters values for then MPC. Time varying parameters are model parameters that change in time. Hence, when predicting the system dynamics, their value must be supplied to the model at the every sampling time.
- Parameters:
names (list of strings) – list of strings with time varying parameter names
values (dict (optional)) – values of the time varying parameters. You need to pass at least a number of values as long as the prediction horizon. Note: if the prediction goes after the last supplied value, the values will be repeated!
- Returns:
- setup(options=None, solver_options=None)[source]¶
Sets up the corresponding optimization problem (OP) of the MPC. This must be run before attempting to solve the MPC.
- Parameters:
options (dict) – Options for MPC. See documentation.
solver_options (dict) – Dictionary with options for the optimizer. These options are solver specific. Refer to the CasADi Documentation
- Returns:
- property compiler¶
- Returns:
- property control_horizon¶
- Returns:
- property current_time¶
- Returns:
- property display¶
- Returns:
- property horizon¶
- Returns:
- property id¶
Identifier of the object
- Returns:
Identifier of the object
- Return type:
- property initial_time¶
- Returns:
- property n_iterations¶
- Returns:
- property n_of_path_vars¶
Number of path variables used for path following
- Returns:
- property n_tvp¶
- Returns:
- property obj_fun¶
- Returns:
Objective function (MX)
- property obj_function_stage_cost¶
- Returns:
- property prediction_horizon¶
- Returns:
- property sampling_interval¶
- Returns:
- property solution¶
- Returns:
- property time_var¶
- Returns:
- property type¶
- Returns:
- property u_lb¶
- Returns:
- property u_ub¶
- Returns:
- property x_lb¶
- Returns:
- property x_ub¶
- Returns:
- class hilo_mpc.LMPC(model, id=None, name=None, plot_backend='bokeh', use_sx=True)[source]¶
- set_custom_constraints_function(fun=None, lb=None, ub=None, soft=False, max_violation=inf)[source]¶
- Set a custom function that will be added as last position in the nonlinear constraints vector:
lb <= fun <= ub
- This must take the entire optimization vector z and the indices of states and inputs as
fun(v, x_ind, u_ind)
- Parameters:
fun – python function
lb – lower bound
ub – upper bound
soft –
max_violation –
- Returns:
- set_initial_guess(x_guess=None, u_guess=None, z_guess=None)[source]¶
Sets initial guess for the optimizer when no other information of the states or inputs are available. :param x_guess: optimal state guesss :type x_guess: list, numpy array, float or casADi DM array :param u_guess: optimal input guess :type u_guess: list, numpy array, float or casADi DM array :param z_guess: optimal algebraic states guess :type z_guess: list, numpy array, float or casADi DM array :return:
- set_stage_constraints(stage_constraint=None, lb=None, ub=None, is_soft=False, max_violation=inf, weight=None, name='stage_constraint')[source]¶
Allows to add a (nonlinear) stage constraint.
- Parameters:
stage_constraint – SX expression. It has to contain variables of the model
lb – Vector or list float,integer or casadi.DM. Lower bound on the constraint
ub – Vector or list float,integer or casadi.DM. Upper bound on the constraint
is_soft – bool: if True soft constraints are used.
max_violation – (optional) Vector or list float,integer or casadi.DM. Maximum violation if constraint is soft. If None, there is no limit on the violation of the soft constraints
weight – (optional) matrix of appropriate dimension. If is_soft=True it will be used to weight the soft constraint in the objective function using a quadratic cost.
name –
- Returns:
- setup(options=None, solver_options={}, solver='qpoases')[source]¶
- Parameters:
options –
solver_options –
:param : :return:
- property prediction_horizon¶
- Returns:
- class hilo_mpc.PID(n_set_points=1, id=None, name=None, k_p=None, t_i=None, t_d=None, proportional_on_process_value=False, derivative_on_process_value=False, plot_backend=None)[source]¶
Class for PID controller
- Parameters:
n_set_points (int) –
id (str, optional) –
name (str, optional) –
k_p –
t_i –
t_d –
proportional_on_process_value (bool) –
derivative_on_process_value (bool) –
plot_backend (str, optional) –
- property derivative_gain¶
- Returns:
- property derivative_time¶
- Returns:
- property integral_gain¶
- Returns:
- property integral_time¶
- Returns:
- property k_d¶
- Returns:
- property k_i¶
- Returns:
- property k_p¶
- Returns:
- property proportional_gain¶
- Returns:
- property s_p¶
- Returns:
- property set_point¶
- Returns:
- property t_d¶
- Returns:
- property t_i¶
- Returns: