Source code for hilo_mpc.modules.controller.mpc

#   This file is part of HILO-MPC
#   HILO-MPC is a toolbox for easy, flexible and fast development of machine-learning-supported
#   optimal control and estimation problems
#   Copyright (c) 2021 Johannes Pohlodek, Bruno Morabito, Rolf Findeisen
#                      All rights reserved
#   HILO-MPC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
#   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   HILO-MPC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#   along with HILO-MPC. If not, see <>.

from copy import deepcopy
import time
import warnings

import casadi as ca
import as catools
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erfinv

import hilo_mpc
from .base import Controller
from ..dynamic_model.dynamic_model import Model
from ..optimizer import DynamicOptimization
from ...util.modeling import GenericCost, QuadraticCost, GenericConstraint, continuous2discrete
from ...util.optimizer import IpoptDebugger
from ...util.util import check_and_wrap_to_list, check_and_wrap_to_DM, scale_vector, clip

[docs]class NMPC(Controller, DynamicOptimization): """Class for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control""" def __init__(self, model, id=None, name=None, plot_backend=None, use_sx=True, stats=False): """Constructor method""" # TODO: when discrete_u or discrete_x is given to the opts structure, but NMPC is used, raise an error saying # that MINMPC should be used super().__init__(model, id=id, name=name, plot_backend=plot_backend, stats=stats, use_sx=use_sx) self._may_term_flag = False self._lag_term_flag = False self._prediction_horizon_is_set = False self._control_horizon_is_set = False self._change_input_term_flag = False self._mixed_integer_flag = False self._trajectory_following_flag = False self._mpc_options_is_set = False # self._tau = ca.SX.sym('tau', 0) self._paths_var_list = [] self._time = 0 # Initialize the costs self.stage_cost = GenericCost(self._model, use_sx=use_sx) self.terminal_cost = GenericCost(self._model, use_sx=use_sx) self.quad_stage_cost = QuadraticCost(self._model, use_sx=use_sx) self.quad_terminal_cost = QuadraticCost(self._model, use_sx=use_sx) self._time_var = [] # Initialize generic stage and terminal constraints self.stage_constraint = GenericConstraint(self._model) self.terminal_constraint = GenericConstraint(self._model) self._lag_term = 0 self._may_term = 0 self._minimize_final_time_flag = False self._time_varying_parameters_ind = [] self._x_ub = [] self._x_lb = [] self._u_ub = [] self._u_lb = [] self.time_varying_parameters = [] self._x_scaling = [] self._u_scaling = [] self._y_scaling = [] # self._sampling_interval = [] self._prediction_horizon = [] self._control_horizon = [] self._e_soft_stage_ind = [] self._e_term_stage_ind = [] # In some cases, for example path following with interpolated path using spline, the objective # function needs to be defined in MX variable instead of SX, because the CasADi spline interpolation # is defined only in MX functions. self._use_sx = use_sx # Save dimensions of the model. This can be useful because the MPC can change these later, but we still need # them self._n_x = deepcopy(model.n_x) self._n_u = deepcopy(model.n_u) self._n_y = deepcopy(model.n_y) self._n_z = deepcopy(model.n_z) self._n_p = deepcopy(model.n_p) def __str__(self): """String representation method""" if not self._nlp_setup_done: raise ValueError(f'Howdy! You need to setup {self.__class__.__name__} before printing. ' f'Run {self.__class__.__name__}.setup().') from prettytable import PrettyTable import textwrap x_box_const = PrettyTable() x_box_const.field_names = ["State", "LB", "UB"] for k, name in enumerate(self._model.dynamical_state_names): x_box_const.add_row([name, self._x_lb[k], self._x_ub[k]]) u_box_const = PrettyTable() u_box_const.field_names = ["Input", "LB", "UB"] for k, name in enumerate(self._model.input_names): u_box_const.add_row([name, self._u_lb[k], self._u_ub[k]]) args = "=================================================================\n" args += " Nonlinear Model Predictive Control \n" if self._id is not None: args += f"id='{self._id}'" if is not None: args += f", name='{}'" args += "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" args += f"Prediction horizon: {self.prediction_horizon} \n" args += f"Control horizon: {self.control_horizon} \n" args += f"Model name: {} \n" args += f"Sampling interval: {self.sampling_interval}\n" if self.quad_stage_cost.n_of_paths > 0 or self.quad_terminal_cost.n_of_paths > 0: args += f"Path following problem\n" if self.quad_stage_cost.n_of_trajectories > 0 or self.quad_terminal_cost.n_of_trajectories > 0: args += f"Trajectory tracking problem\n" args += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" args += "Objective function" args += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" args += "Lagrange (stage) cost:\n" args += textwrap.fill(f"{self._lag_term}", width=80, subsequent_indent='\t\t...') args += "\n" args += "Mayor (terminal) cost:\n" args += textwrap.fill(f"{self._may_term}", width=80, subsequent_indent='\t\t...') args += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" args += "Box constraints" args += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" args += "States \n" args += x_box_const.get_string() args += "\n" args += "Inputs \n" args += u_box_const.get_string() if self.quad_terminal_cost._has_trajectory_following: tf_table = PrettyTable() tf_table.field_names = ["Variable", "Trajectory"] args += "\t Trajectory following active:" for element in self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list: for k, name in enumerate(element['names']): tf_table.add_row([name, element['ref'][k]]) args += tf_table.get_string() args += "\n" args += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" args += "Initial guesses" args += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" x_guess_table = PrettyTable() x_guess_table.field_names = ["State", "Guess"] for k, name in enumerate(self._model.dynamical_state_names): x_guess_table.add_row([name, self._x_guess[k]]) args += "States \n" args += x_guess_table.get_string() args += "\n" u_guess_table = PrettyTable() u_guess_table.field_names = ["Input", "Guess"] for k, name in enumerate(self._model.input_names): u_guess_table.add_row([name, self._u_guess[k]]) args += "Inputs \n" args += u_guess_table.get_string() args += "\n" args += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" args += "Numerical solution and optimization stats" args += "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" args += f"Integration: {self._nlp_options['integration_method']} method. \n" args += f"NLP solver: {self._solver_name}. \n" args += f"Number of optimization variables: {self._n_v}. \n" args += "\n=================================================================\n" return args def _update_type(self) -> None: """ :return: """ self._type = 'NMPC' def _define_cost_terms(self): """ Creates the SX expressions for the stage or terminal cost :return: """ if self.stage_cost._is_set: self._lag_term += self.stage_cost.cost self._lag_term_flag = True if self.terminal_cost._is_set: self._may_term += self.terminal_cost.cost self._may_term_flag = True self.quad_stage_cost._setup(x_scale=self._x_scaling, u_scale=self._u_scaling, y_scale=self._y_scaling, time_variable=self.time_var, path_variables=self._paths_var_list) if self.quad_stage_cost._is_set: self._lag_term += self.quad_stage_cost.cost self._lag_term_flag = True self.quad_terminal_cost._setup(x_scale=self._x_scaling, u_scale=self._u_scaling, y_scale=self._y_scaling, time_variable=self.time_var, path_variables=self._paths_var_list) if self.quad_terminal_cost._is_set: self._may_term += self.quad_terminal_cost.cost self._may_term_flag = True if self.quad_stage_cost._has_trajectory_following: for i in range(self.quad_stage_cost.n_of_trajectories): fun_sx = self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list[i]['ref'] if fun_sx is not None: self._lag_term = ca.substitute(self._lag_term, self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list[i]['placeholder'], self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list[i]['ref']) if self.quad_terminal_cost._has_trajectory_following: for i in range(self.quad_terminal_cost.n_of_trajectories): fun_sx = self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list[i]['ref'] if fun_sx is not None: self._may_term = ca.substitute(self._may_term, self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list[i]['placeholder'], self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list[i]['ref']) def _scale_problem(self): """ :return: """ self._u_ub = scale_vector(self._u_ub, self._u_scaling) self._u_lb = scale_vector(self._u_lb, self._u_scaling) self._u_guess = scale_vector(self._u_guess, self._u_scaling) self._x_ub = scale_vector(self._x_ub, self._x_scaling) self._x_lb = scale_vector(self._x_lb, self._x_scaling) self._x_guess = scale_vector(self._x_guess, self._x_scaling) # ... ode ... self._model.scale(self._u_scaling, id='u') self._model.scale(self._x_scaling, id='x') def _check_mpc_is_well_posed(self): """ :return: """ if self._lag_term_flag is False and self._may_term_flag is False and self._minimize_final_time_flag is False: raise ValueError("You need to define a cost function before setting up the mpc.") if not self._prediction_horizon_is_set: raise ValueError("You must set a prediction horizon length before") if not self._control_horizon_is_set: raise ValueError("You must set a control horizon length before.") # Check tvp and initialize horizon of tvp values if self._time_varying_parameters_values is not None: self._time_varying_parameters_horizon = ca.DM.zeros((self._n_tvp), self.prediction_horizon) tvp_counter = 0 for key, value in self._time_varying_parameters_values.items(): if len(value) < self.prediction_horizon: raise TypeError( f"When passing time-varying parameters, you need to pass a number of values at least " f"as long as the prediction horizon. The parameter {key} has {len(value)} values but the MPC " f"has a prediction horizon length of {self._prediction_horizon}." ) value = self._time_varying_parameters_values[key] self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[tvp_counter, :] = value[0:self._prediction_horizon] tvp_counter += 1 def _get_tvp_parameters_values(self, tvp): """ Given the current iteration, returns the value for every sampling time of all time-varying parameter :return: """ ci = self._n_iterations # Shift the horizon of tvp one step back if ci > 0: self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[:, 0:-1] = self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[:, 1:] for k, name in enumerate(self._time_varying_parameters): value = self._time_varying_parameters_values[name] if ci + self.prediction_horizon > len(value): warnings.warn("The prediction horizon is predicting outside the values of the time varying " "parameters. I am now taking looping back the values and start from there. " "See documentation for info.") n_of_overtakes = int(np.floor(ci / self.prediction_horizon)) self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[k, -1] = value[ ci - self.prediction_horizon * n_of_overtakes] else: self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[k, -1] = value[ci + self.prediction_horizon - 1] else: self._time_varying_parameters_horizon = ca.DM.zeros((self._n_tvp), self.prediction_horizon) tvp_counter = 0 for key, value in tvp.items(): if len(value) < self.prediction_horizon: raise TypeError( f"When passing time-varying parameters, you need to pass a number of values at least " f"as long as the prediction horizon. The parameter {key} has {len(value)} values but the MPC " f"has a prediction horizon length of {self._prediction_horizon}." ) value = tvp[key] self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[tvp_counter, :] = value[0:self._prediction_horizon] tvp_counter += 1 def _parse_tvp_parameters_values(self, tvp): """ :param tvp: :return: """ # Get horizon of tvp values if tvp is not None: self._time_varying_parameters_horizon = ca.DM.zeros((self._n_tvp), self.prediction_horizon) tvp_counter = 0 for key, value in tvp.items(): if len(value) < self.prediction_horizon: raise TypeError( f"When passing time-varying parameters, you need to pass a number of values at least " f"as long as the prediction horizon. The parameter {key} has {len(value)} values but the MPC " f"has a prediction horizon length of {self._prediction_horizon}." ) value = tvp[key] self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[tvp_counter, :] = value[0:self._prediction_horizon] tvp_counter += 1 elif self._time_varying_parameters_values is not None: self._get_tvp_parameters_values(self._time_varying_parameters_values) else: raise ValueError( f"Mate, I know there are {self._n_tvp} time varying parameters but you did not pass me any." f"Please provide me with the values of the parameters, either to the optimize() method or to the " f"set_time_varying_parameters() method." ) def _parse_trajectory_values(self, param, **kwargs): """ :param param: :param kwargs: :return: """ if self.quad_stage_cost._has_trajectory_following: # See if references have been passed to the optimize method ref_sc = kwargs.get('ref_sc') if ref_sc is not None: if not isinstance(ref_sc, dict): raise TypeError( f"The trajectory must be a dict with as key the name of the variables that have a trajectory.") for key in ref_sc.keys(): if key not in self.quad_stage_cost.name_open_varying_trajectories: raise ValueError( f"I cannot find the variable {key} in the variables with varying trajectory or the " f"trajectory has already been provided as a function. The trajectories without reference " f"are {', '.join(self.quad_stage_cost.name_open_varying_trajectories)}" ) for traj in self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list: for name in traj['names']: traj_i = ref_sc[name] traj_i = check_and_wrap_to_list(traj_i) if len(traj_i) == 1: # The reference is not time varying traj_i = traj_i * self.prediction_horizon param[name + '_sr'] = traj_i traj['ref'] = traj_i else: if self.n_iterations + self.prediction_horizon >= len(traj_i): # The reference is time varying raise ValueError( f"The length of the varying reference must be one or longer than than the " f"simulation time plus the prediction horizon. Please supply data points. The " f"trajectory is long {len(traj_i)} but I am predicting at least up to the " f"{self.n_iterations + self.prediction_horizon + 1} step." ) if self._nlp_options['objective_function'] != 'discrete': raise AssertionError( "Since you are passing time series as reference points, the objective function has" "to be set to discrete. Pass `options={'objective_function': 'discrete'}` to the " "NMPC setup." ) traj_i = traj_i[self.n_iterations:self.n_iterations + self.prediction_horizon] param[name + '_sr'] = traj_i traj['ref'] = traj_i else: for traj in self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list: if traj['ref'] is None: raise ValueError( f"Mate, it looks like the variable(s) {traj['names']} must follow a reference, but" f"you did not pass any. Please pass a reference as a function in the stage cost " f"or as values in the setup of the MPC." ) if self.quad_terminal_cost._has_trajectory_following: ref_tc = kwargs.get('ref_tc') if ref_tc is not None: if not isinstance(ref_tc, dict): raise TypeError( f"The trajectory must be a dict with as key the name of the variables that have a trajectory.") for key in ref_tc.keys(): if key not in self.quad_terminal_cost.name_open_varying_trajectories: raise ValueError( f"I cannot find the variable {key} in the variables with varying trajectory or the " f"trajectory has already been provided as a function. The trajectories without reference " f"are {', '.join(self.quad_terminal_cost.name_open_varying_trajectories)}" ) for traj in self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list: for name in traj['names']: traj_i = ref_tc[name] traj_i = check_and_wrap_to_list(traj_i) if len(traj_i) == 1: # The reference is not time varying param[name + '_tr'] = traj_i traj['ref'] = traj_i else: if self.n_iterations + self.prediction_horizon >= len(traj_i): # The reference is time varying raise ValueError( f"The length of the verying reference must be one or longer than than the " f"simulation time plus the prediction horizon. Please supply datapoints. The " f"trajectory is long {len(traj_i)} but I am predicting at least up to the " f"{self.n_iterations + self.prediction_horizon + 1} step." ) if self._nlp_options['objective_function'] != 'discrete': raise AssertionError( "Since you are passing time series of reference points, the objective function has " "to be set to discrete. Check the documentation to see how to set the objective " "function to discrete." ) traj_i = traj_i[self.n_iterations + self.prediction_horizon] param[name + '_tr'] = traj_i traj['ref'] = traj_i else: for traj in self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list: if traj['ref'] is None: raise ValueError( f"Mate, it looks like the variable(s) {traj['names']} must follow a reference, but" f"you did not pass any. Please pass a reference as a function in the terminal " f"cost or as values in the setup of the MPC." ) def _get_nlp_parameters(self, cp, tvp, **kwargs): """ This arranges parameters, time-varying parameters and time-varying references in the parameters structure that goes in the optimization. :param cp: :param tvp: :param kwargs: :return: """ param = self._param_npl_mpc(0) # Substitute value to the parameters of the nonlinear program # Input change term if len(self.quad_stage_cost._ind_input_changes) > 0: if self._nlp_solution is not None: param['u_old'] = [self._nlp_solution['x'][self._u_ind[0]][i] for i in self.quad_stage_cost._ind_input_changes] else: param['u_old'] = [self._u_guess[i] for i in self.quad_stage_cost._ind_input_changes] # Constant parameters term if cp is not None: param['c_p'] = cp # Time-varying parameters term if self._n_tvp != 0: self._parse_tvp_parameters_values(tvp) param['tv_p'] = self._time_varying_parameters_horizon # Reference for trajectory trackin problems term self._parse_trajectory_values(param, **kwargs) # TODO when varying sampling times are implemented, give the possibility to provide varying sampling times. # Sampling intervals, for unequal sampling times dt_grid = None if dt_grid is None: param['dt'] = ca.repmat(self.sampling_interval, self.prediction_horizon) param['time'] = self._time return param def _save_references(self, param): """ Saves references into the solution object. For plotting purposes :return: """ # Save current reference. Used for plotting purposes x_ref = ca.DM.nan(self._model_orig.n_x, self.prediction_horizon) u_ref = ca.DM.nan(self._model_orig.n_u, self.control_horizon) if self.quad_stage_cost._has_trajectory_following: for i, name in enumerate(self._model_orig.dynamical_state_names): if f'{name}_sr' in param.keys(): x_ref[i, :] = param[f'{name}_sr'] for i, name in enumerate(self._model_orig.input_names): if f'{name}_sr' in param.keys(): u_ref[i, :] = param[f'{name}_sr'] for traj in self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list: if traj['traj_fun'] is not None: if traj['type'] == 'states': x_ref[traj['ind'], :] = traj['traj_fun'](self.solution['t'][0:self.prediction_horizon]) elif traj['type'] == 'inputs': u_ref[traj['ind'], :] = traj['traj_fun'](self.solution['t'][0:self.control_horizon]) for ref in self.quad_stage_cost._references_list: if ref['type'] == 'states': x_ref[ref['ind'], :] = ca.repmat(ca.DM(ref['ref']).T, self.prediction_horizon).T elif ref['type'] == 'inputs': u_ref[ref['ind'], :] = ca.repmat(ca.DM(ref['ref']).T, self.control_horizon).T for path in self.quad_stage_cost._paths_list: if path['type'] == 'states': x_ref[path['ind'], :] = path['path_fun'](self.solution['thetapfo'][:, :self.prediction_horizon]) elif path['type'] == 'inputs': u_ref[path['ind'], :] = path['path_fun'](self.solution['thetapfo'][:, :self.control_horizon]) self.solution.add('u_ref', u_ref) self.solution.add('x_ref', x_ref) def _save_predictions(self, cp, tvp): """ Store prediction in the solution object. Necessary for plotting. :return: """ # Save prediction in solution x_pred, u_pred, dt_pred = self.return_prediction() if self._n_tvp > 0: p = self._rearrange_parameters_numeric(self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[:, 0], cp) for ii in range(1, self._prediction_horizon): p = ca.horzcat(p, self._rearrange_parameters_numeric(self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[:, ii], cp)) else: p = cp # Save solution in the solution class self.solution.add('x', x_pred[:self._n_x, :]) self.solution.add('u', u_pred[:self._n_u, :]) self.solution.add('p', p) self.solution.add('thetapfo', x_pred[self._n_x:self._n_x + self.n_of_path_vars, :]) if dt_pred is not None: dt_sum = 0 for i in range(self.prediction_horizon): self.solution.add('t', self._time + dt_sum) dt_sum += dt_pred[i] else: t_pred = np.linspace(self._time, self._time + (self.prediction_horizon) * self.sampling_interval, self.prediction_horizon + 1) self.solution.add('t', ca.DM(t_pred).T) @property def x_lb(self): """ :return: """ return self._x_lb @property def x_ub(self): """ :return: """ return self._x_ub @property def u_lb(self): """ :return: """ return self._u_lb @property def u_ub(self): """ :return: """ return self._u_ub
[docs] def set_box_constraints(self, x_ub=None, x_lb=None, u_ub=None, u_lb=None, y_ub=None, y_lb=None, z_ub=None, z_lb=None): """ Set box constraints to the model's variables. These look like .. math:: x_{lb} \leq x \leq x_{ub} :param x_ub: upper bound on states. :type x_ub: list, numpy array or CasADi DM array :param x_lb: lower bound on states :type x_lb: list, numpy array or CasADi DM array :param u_ub: upper bound on inputs :type u_ub: list, numpy array or CasADi DM array :param u_lb: lower bound on inputs :type u_lb: list, numpy array or CasADi DM array :param y_ub: upper bound on measurements :type y_ub: list, numpy array or CasADi DM array :param y_lb: lower bound on measurements :type y_lb: list, numpy array or CasADi DM array :param z_ub: upper bound on algebraic states :type z_ub: list, numpy array or CasADi DM array :param z_lb: lower bound on algebraic states :type z_lb: list, numpy array or CasADi DM array :return: """ if x_ub is not None: x_ub = deepcopy(x_ub) x_ub = check_and_wrap_to_list(x_ub) if len(x_ub) != self._n_x: raise TypeError(f"The model has {self._n_x} states. You need to pass the same number of bounds.") self._x_ub = x_ub else: self._x_ub = self._model.n_x * [ca.inf] if x_lb is not None: x_lb = deepcopy(x_lb) x_lb = check_and_wrap_to_list(x_lb) if len(x_lb) != self._n_x: raise TypeError(f"The model has {self._n_x} states. You need to pass the same number of bounds.") self._x_lb = x_lb else: self._x_lb = self._model.n_x * [-ca.inf] # Input constraints if u_ub is not None: u_ub = deepcopy(u_ub) u_ub = check_and_wrap_to_list(u_ub) if len(u_ub) != self._n_u: raise TypeError(f"The model has {self._n_u} inputs. You need to pass the same number of bounds.") self._u_ub = u_ub else: self._u_ub = self._model.n_u * [ca.inf] if u_lb is not None: u_lb = deepcopy(u_lb) u_lb = check_and_wrap_to_list(u_lb) if len(u_lb) != self._n_u: raise TypeError(f"The model has {self._n_u} inputs. You need to pass the same number of bounds.") self._u_lb = u_lb else: self._u_lb = self._model.n_u * [-ca.inf] # Algebraic constraints if z_ub is not None: z_ub = deepcopy(z_ub) z_ub = check_and_wrap_to_list(z_ub) if len(z_ub) != self._n_z: raise TypeError(f"The model has {self._n_z} algebraic states. You need to pass the same number of " f"bounds.") self._z_ub = z_ub else: self._z_ub = self._model.n_z * [ca.inf] if z_lb is not None: z_lb = deepcopy(z_lb) z_lb = check_and_wrap_to_list(z_lb) if len(z_lb) != self._n_z: raise TypeError(f"The model has {self._n_z} algebraic states. You need to pass the same number of " f"bounds.") self._z_lb = z_lb else: self._z_lb = self._model.n_z * [-ca.inf] if y_lb is not None or y_ub is not None: # Measurement box constraints can be added by an extra stage and terminal constraint (possibly nonlinear) self.set_stage_constraints(stage_constraint=self._model.meas, ub=deepcopy(y_ub), lb=deepcopy(y_lb), name='measurement_constraint') self.set_terminal_constraints(terminal_constraint=self._model.meas, ub=deepcopy(y_ub), lb=deepcopy(y_lb), name='measurement_constraint') self._box_constraints_is_set = True
def _optimize(self, v0, runs, param, **kwargs): """ :param v0: :param runs: :param param: :param kwargs: :return: """ if runs == 0: sol = self._solver(x0=v0, lbx=self._v_lb, ubx=self._v_ub, lbg=self._g_lb, ubg=self._g_ub, p=param) self._nlp_solution = sol u_opt = sol['x'][self._u_ind[0]] if self._nlp_options['warm_start']: self._v0 = sol['x'] else: pert_factor = kwargs.get('pert_factor', 0.1) f_r_better = np.inf v00 = v0 for r in range(runs): sol = self._solver(x0=v00, lbx=self._v_lb, ubx=self._v_ub, lbg=self._g_lb, ubg=self._g_ub, p=param) self._solver_status_wrapper() if self._solver_status_code in [1,2] and sol['f'] < f_r_better: f_r_better = sol['f'] self._nlp_solution = sol u_opt = sol['x'][self._u_ind[0]] if self._nlp_options['warm_start']: self._v0 = sol['x'] v00 = clip(v0 + v0 * (1 - 2 * np.random.rand(self._n_v)) * pert_factor, self._v_lb, self._v_ub) return u_opt
[docs] def optimize(self, x0, cp=None, tvp=None, v0=None, runs=0, fix_x0=True, **kwargs): """ Solves the MPC problem :param x0: current system state :type x0: list or casadi DM :param cp: constant system parameters (these will be assumed constant along the prediction horizon) :type cp: list or casadi DM, optional :param tvp: time-varying system parameters (these can change during prediction horizon, entire parameter history must be passed in) :type tvp: dict, optional :param v0: initial guess of the optimal vector :type v0: list or casadi DM, optional :param runs: number of optimizations to run. If different from zero will run very optimization will perturb the initial guess v0 randomly. ACHTUNG: This could cause problems with the integrators or give something outside constraints. The output will be the solution with the minimum objective function (default 0) :type runs: int :param fix_x0: If True, the first state is fixed as the measured states. This is the classic MPC approach. If False, also the initial state is optimized. :type fix_x0: bool :return: u_opt: first piece of optimal control sequence """ if not self._nlp_setup_done: raise ValueError("Howdy! You need to setup the MPC before optimizing. Run .setup() on the MPC object.") # Check the constant parameters if self._model.n_p - self._n_tvp != 0: if cp is not None: cp = check_and_wrap_to_DM(cp) if cp is None or cp.size1() != self._model.n_p - self._n_tvp: raise ValueError( f"The model has {self._model.n_p - self._n_tvp} constant parameter(s): " f"{self._model.parameter_names}. You must pass me the value of these before running the " f"optimization to the 'cp' parameter." ) else: if cp is not None: warnings.warn("You are passing a parameter vector in the optimizer, but the model has no defined " "parameters. I am ignoring the vector.") if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: # Reset the solution of the debugger before next optimization self.debugger.reset_solution() # Check the state x0 = check_and_wrap_to_DM(x0) if x0.shape[0] != self._n_x: raise ValueError( f"We have an issue mate, the x0 you supplied has dimension {x0.shape[0]} but the model has {self._n_x} " f"states." ) if fix_x0 is True: # Force the initial state to be the measured state. # Note that the path following problem modifies the model dimensions, # so only the first n_x positions need to be forced where n_x is state number of the original problem self._v_lb[self._x_ind[0][0:self._n_x]] = x0 / ca.DM(self._x_scaling[0:self._n_x]) self._v_ub[self._x_ind[0][0:self._n_x]] = x0 / ca.DM(self._x_scaling[0:self._n_x]) else: x0_lb = kwargs.get('x0_lb', self._x_lb) x0_ub = kwargs.get('x0_ub', self._x_ub) self._v_lb[self._x_ind[0][0:self._n_x]] = x0_lb / ca.DM(self._x_scaling[0:self._n_x]) self._v_ub[self._x_ind[0][0:self._n_x]] = x0_ub / ca.DM(self._x_scaling[0:self._n_x]) # Check and prepare parameters param = self._get_nlp_parameters(cp, tvp, **kwargs) if v0 is None: v0 = self._v0 if self._stats: start = time.time() # Compute the MPC u_opt = self._optimize(v0, runs, param) # Get the status of the solver self._solver_status_wrapper() # Print output self._print_message() # Reset the solution self.reset_solution() # Populate solution with new results if self._stats: elapsed_time = time.time() - start self.solution.add('extime', elapsed_time) self.solution.add('niterations', self._n_iterations) self.solution.add('solvstatus', self._solver_status_code) if self.stage_constraint.is_set and self.stage_constraint.is_soft: self.stage_constraint.e_soft_value = self._nlp_solution['x'][self._e_soft_stage_ind[0]] if self.terminal_constraint.is_set and self.terminal_constraint.is_soft: self.terminal_constraint.e_soft_value = self._nlp_solution['x'][self._e_soft_term_ind[0]] # Save predictions in the solution object. Done for plotting purposes. self._save_predictions(cp, tvp) # Save the references in the solution object. Done for plotting purposes. self._save_references(param) # Update the time clock - Useful for time-varying systems and references. self._time += self.sampling_interval # Interation counter self._n_iterations += 1 # Extract first input from the optimal sequence uopt = u_opt[0:self._n_u] * self._u_scaling[0:self._n_u] return uopt
[docs] def minimize_final_time(self, weight=1): """ :param weight: :return: """ self._minimize_final_time_flag = True self._minimize_final_time_weight = weight
[docs] def plot_prediction(self, save_plot=False, plot_dir=None, name_file='mpc_prediction.html', show_plot=True, extras=None, extras_names=None, title=None, format_figure=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the MPC predicted values. :param save_plot: if True plot will be saved under 'plot_dir/name_file.html' if they are declared, otherwise in current directory :type save_plot: bool :param plot_dir: path to the folder where plots are saved (default = None) :type plot_dir: str :param name_file: name of the file where plot will be saved (default = mpc_prediction.html) :type name_file: str :param show_plot: if True, shows plots (default = False) :type show_plot: bool :param extras: dictionary with values that will be plotted over the predictions if keys are equal to predicted states/inputs. :type extras: dict :param extras_names: tags that will be attached to the extras in the legend :type extras_names: list :param title: title of the plots :type title: str :param format_figure: python function that modifies the format of the figure :type format_figure: python function taking a bokeh figure object as an input :return: """ import os from import output_file, output_notebook, show, save from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, DataTable, TableColumn, CellFormatter, Div from bokeh.layouts import gridplot, column, row, grid from bokeh.palettes import Spectral4 as palettespectral if self._nlp_solution is None: raise RuntimeError("You need to run the MPC at least once to see the plots") if save_plot: if plot_dir is not None: output_file(os.path.join(plot_dir, name_file)) else: output_file(name_file) else: if kwargs.get('output_notebook', False): output_notebook() if extras is None: extras = [] if extras_names is None: extras_names = [] if isinstance(extras, dict): extras = [extras] elif not isinstance(extras, list) and not isinstance(extras, dict): raise ValueError("The extras options should be a dictionary or a list of dictionaries") res_extras_list = [0 for i in range(len(extras))] for i in range(len(extras)): res_extras_list[i] = {} for k, name in enumerate(self._model.dynamical_state_names): if name in extras[i].keys(): res_extras_list[i][name] = extras[i][name] if len(extras) != len(extras_names): raise ValueError("The length of the extra and extras_names must be the same.") time = self._time # TODO: consider time step for the x axis x_pred, u_pred, dt_pred = self.return_prediction() if dt_pred is None: time_vector = np.linspace(time, time + (self._prediction_horizon) * self.sampling_interval, self._prediction_horizon + 1) else: time_vector = [self._time] for i in range(self._prediction_horizon): time_vector.append(time_vector[i] + dt_pred[i]) input_dict = {i: [] for i in self._model.input_names} states_dict = {i: [] for i in self._model.dynamical_state_names} for k, name in enumerate(self._model.input_names): input_dict[name] = u_pred[k, :] for k, name in enumerate(self._model.dynamical_state_names): states_dict[name] = x_pred[k, :] p1 = [figure(title=title, background_fill_color="#fafafa") for i in range(self._model.n_x)] for s, name in enumerate(self._model.dynamical_state_names): p1[s].line(x=time_vector, y=states_dict[name], legend_label=name + '_pred', line_width=2) for i in range(len(self.quad_stage_cost._references_list)): if name in self.quad_stage_cost._references_list[i]['names']: position = self.quad_stage_cost._references_list[i]['names'].index(name) value = self.quad_stage_cost._references_list[i]['ref'][position] p1[s].line([time_vector[0], time_vector[-1]], [value, value], legend_label=name + '_ref', line_dash='dashed', line_color="red", line_width=2) p1[s].yaxis.axis_label = name p1[s].xaxis.axis_label = 'time' if format_figure is not None: p1[s] = format_figure(p1[s]) for i in range(len(extras)): if name in list(res_extras_list[i].keys()): p1[s].line(x=time_vector, y=res_extras_list[i][name], line_width=2, color=palettespectral[i + 1], legend_label=name + '_' + extras_names[i]) p1[s].yaxis.axis_label = name p1[s].xaxis.axis_label = 'time' if format_figure is not None: p1[s] = format_figure(p1[s]) p2 = [figure(title=title, background_fill_color="#fafafa") for i in range(self._model.n_u)] for s, name in enumerate(self._model.input_names): p2[s].step(x=time_vector[:-1], y=input_dict[name], legend_label=name + '_pred', mode="after", line_width=2) p2[s].yaxis.axis_label = name p2[s].xaxis.axis_label = 'time' if format_figure is not None: p2[s] = format_figure(p2[s]) # Create some data to print statistics variables = [] values = [] if self.stage_constraint.is_soft: variables.append('Slack soft constraint') values.append(float(np.array(self.stage_constraint.e_soft_value).squeeze())) heading = Div(text="MPC stats", height=80, sizing_mode="stretch_width", align='center', style={'font-size': '200%'}) # heading fills available width data = dict( variables=variables, values=values, ) source = ColumnDataSource(data) columns = [ TableColumn(field="variables", title="Variables"), TableColumn(field="values", title="Values", formatter=CellFormatter()), ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=400, height=280) grid_states = gridplot(p1, ncols=3, sizing_mode="stretch_width") grid_inputs = gridplot(p2, ncols=3, sizing_mode="stretch_width") if show_plot: states_header = Div(text="Predicted States", height=10, sizing_mode="stretch_width", align='center', style={'font-size': '200%'}) inputs_header = Div(text="Predicted Inputs", height=10, sizing_mode="stretch_width", align='center', style={'font-size': '200%'}) layout = row(column(states_header, grid_states, inputs_header, grid_inputs), column(heading, data_table)) show(layout) else: if save_plot: save(grid)
[docs] def create_path_variable(self, name='theta', u_pf_lb=0.0001, u_pf_ub=1, u_pf_ref=None, u_pf_weight=10, theta_guess=0, theta_lb=0, theta_ub=ca.inf): """ Set the path following variable. This must be used for building SX expression of the path. :param name: name of the variable, default = 'theta' :type name: string :param u_pf_lb: lower bound on the path virtual input :math:`vel_{lb} \leq \dot{ \\theta }`, default = 0.0001 :type u_pf_lb: float :param u_pf_ub: upper bound on the path virtual input :math:`vel_{ub} \geq \dot{ \\theta }`, default = 1 :type u_pf_ub: float :param u_pf_ref: Reference for the path virtual input, default = None :type u_pf_ref: float :param u_pf_weight: Weight for the path virtual input , default = 10 :type u_pf_weight: float :param theta_guess: :param theta_lb: :param theta_ub: :return: casadi.SX """ if self._use_sx: theta = ca.SX.sym(name) else: theta = ca.MX.sym(name) self._paths_var_list.append( {'theta': theta, 'u_pf_lb': u_pf_lb, 'u_pf_ub': u_pf_ub, 'u_pf_ref': u_pf_ref, 'u_pf_weight': u_pf_weight, 'theta_guess': theta_guess, 'theta_lb': theta_lb, 'theta_ub': theta_ub} ) return theta
[docs] def get_time_variable(self): """ Useful for trajectory tacking :return: """ self._time_var = self._model.t return self._time_var
[docs] def set_quadratic_stage_cost(self, states=None, cost_states=None, states_references=None, inputs=None, cost_inputs=None, inputs_references=None): """ More compact way to set the quadratic cost for the MPC. Mostly left for backwards compatibility. To use only for set-point-tracking problems. :param states: list of states name that will appear in the quadratic cost :type states: list :param cost_states: weights values that will be multiplied by the states :type cost_states: list, numpy array, or casADi DM array :param states_references: list of reference values :type states_references: list :param inputs: list of inputs names that will be multiplied by the states :type inputs: list :param cost_inputs: list of inputs weights that will be multiplied by the states :type cost_inputs: list, numpy array, or casADi DM array :param inputs_references: list of inputs reference values :type inputs_references: list :return: """ self.quad_stage_cost.add_states(names=states, weights=cost_states, ref=states_references) self.quad_stage_cost.add_inputs(names=inputs, weights=cost_inputs, ref=inputs_references)
[docs] def set_quadratic_terminal_cost(self, states=None, cost=None, references=None): """ More compact way to set the quadratic cost for the MPC. Mostly left for backwards compatibility. To use only for set-point-tracking problems. :param states: list of states name that will appear in the quadratic cost :type states: list :param cost: list of weights values that will be multiplied by the states :type cost: list, numpy array or CasADi DM :param references: list of references values for the states :type references: :return: """ self.quad_terminal_cost.add_states(names=states, weights=cost, ref=references)
[docs] def set_terminal_constraints(self, terminal_constraint, name='terminal_constraint', lb=None, ub=None, is_soft=False, max_violation=ca.inf, weight=None): """ Allows to add a (nonlinear) terminal constraint. :param terminal_constraint: It has to contain variables of the model :type terminal_constraint: CasADi SX expression :param lb: Lower bound on the constraint :type lb: list of float, integer or casadi.DM. :param ub: Upper bound on the constraint :type ub: list of float, integer or casadi.DM. :param is_soft: if True soft constraints are used (default False) :type is_soft: bool :param max_violation: (optional) Maximum violation if constraint is soft. Default: inf :type max_violation: list float,integer or casadi.DM :param weight: (optional) matrix of appropriate dimension. If is_soft=True it will be used to weight the soft constraint in the objective function using a quadratic cost. :type weight: casadi.DM :return: """ # TODO check if all the variables used in the function are in the model # TODO allow to pass either only the lower or the upper bound self.terminal_constraint.constraint = terminal_constraint = lb self.terminal_constraint.ub = ub self.terminal_constraint.is_soft = is_soft self.terminal_constraint.max_violation = max_violation self.terminal_constraint.weight = weight = name
def _setup(self, options=None, solver_options=None) -> None: """ Sets up the corresponding optimization problem (OP) of the MPC. This must be run before attempting to solve the MPC. :param options: Options for MPC. See documentation. :type options: dict :param solver_options: Dictionary with options for the optimizer. These options are solver specific. Refer to the CasADi Documentation :type solver_options: dict :return: None """ if not self._scaling_is_set: self.set_scaling() if not self._time_varying_parameters_is_set: self.set_time_varying_parameters() if not self._box_constraints_is_set: self.set_box_constraints() if not self._initial_guess_is_set: self.set_initial_guess() if not self._nlp_options_is_set: self.set_nlp_options(options) if not self._solver_options_is_set: self.set_solver_opts(solver_options) if not self._sampling_time_is_set: self.set_sampling_interval() self._populate_solution() # Path following self._x_scaling_orig = deepcopy(self._x_scaling) self._u_scaling_orig = deepcopy(self._u_scaling) self._x_lb_orig = deepcopy(self._x_lb) self._x_ub_orig = deepcopy(self._x_ub) self._u_lb_orig = deepcopy(self._u_lb) self._u_ub_orig = deepcopy(self._u_ub) for i in range(self.n_of_path_vars): theta = self._paths_var_list[i]['theta'] theta_vel_ub = self._paths_var_list[i]['u_pf_ub'] theta_vel_lb = self._paths_var_list[i]['u_pf_lb'] theta_lb = self._paths_var_list[i]['theta_lb'] theta_ub = self._paths_var_list[i]['theta_ub'] theta_guess = self._paths_var_list[i]['theta_guess'] # If path following the model increases of dimension to allow the path variable self._model.add_dynamical_states(theta) if self._use_sx: u_theta = ca.SX.sym('u_theta') else: u_theta = ca.MX.sym('u_theta') self._model.add_inputs(u_theta) if self._model.discrete: # TODO: here I am doing simply explicit euler. Maybe one could use the same discretization method of # the model self._model.add_dynamical_equations(theta + self.sampling_interval * u_theta) else: self._model.add_dynamical_equations(u_theta) self._x_guess.append(theta_guess) self._u_guess.append(theta_vel_lb + 0.0001) self._u_lb.append(theta_vel_lb) self._u_ub.append(theta_vel_ub) self._x_lb.append(theta_lb) self._x_ub.append(theta_ub) self._u_scaling.append(1) self._x_scaling.append(1) if self._paths_var_list[i]['u_pf_ref'] is not None: self.stage_cost.cost = (u_theta - self._paths_var_list[i]['u_pf_ref']) ** 2 * self._paths_var_list[i][ 'u_pf_weight'] # Define cost terms self._define_cost_terms() # Scaling... self._scale_problem() # Define custom stage and terminal constraints self.stage_constraint._check_and_setup(x_scale=self._x_scaling, u_scale=self._u_scaling, y_scale=self._y_scaling) self.terminal_constraint._check_and_setup(x_scale=self._x_scaling, u_scale=self._u_scaling, y_scale=self._y_scaling) self._check_mpc_is_well_posed() if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: # This dict saves the po self._g_indices = {'dynamics_collocation': [], 'dynamics_multiple_shooting': [], 'nonlin_stag_const': [], 'nonlin_term_const': [], 'time_const.': []} if self._nlp_setup_done is False: model = self._model # ... objective function. if self._may_term_flag: # Substiture references if self.quad_terminal_cost.ref_placeholder.shape[0] != 0: references = self.quad_terminal_cost.ref_placeholder else: if self._use_sx: references = ca.SX.sym('r', 0) else: references = ca.MX.sym('r', 0) self._may_term_fun = ca.Function('mayor_term', [model.t, model.x, references], [self._may_term]) # Check time varying parameters # tvp_ind = [] # TODO this should be moved in the optimiziation method if len(self._time_varying_parameters) != 0: p_names = model.parameter_names for tvp in self._time_varying_parameters: assert tvp in p_names, f"The time-varying parameter {tvp} is not in the model parameter. " \ f"The model parameters are {p_names}." if self.terminal_constraint.is_set: if self.terminal_constraint.is_soft: e_terminal = model.t.sym('e_terminal', self.terminal_constraint.constraint.size1()) self._terminal_constraints_fun = ca.Function('soft_terminal_const_term', [model.t, model.x, model.z, model.p, e_terminal], [ca.vertcat(self.terminal_constraint.constraint - e_terminal, -self.terminal_constraint.constraint - e_terminal)]) else: self._terminal_constraints_fun = ca.Function('terminal_const_term', [model.t, model.x, model.z, model.p], [self.terminal_constraint.constraint]) # Define casadi function for auxiliary stage nonlinear constraints if self.stage_constraint.is_set: if self.stage_constraint.is_soft: e_stage = model.t.sym('e_stage', self.stage_constraint.constraint.size1()) self._stage_constraints_fun = ca.Function('soft_stage_nl_constr', [model.t, model.x, model.u, model.z, model.p, e_stage], [ca.vertcat(self.stage_constraint.constraint - e_stage, -self.stage_constraint.constraint - e_stage)]) else: self._stage_constraints_fun = ca.Function('stage_nl_constr', [model.t, model.x, model.u, model.z, model.p], [self.stage_constraint.constraint]) if self._lag_term_flag: model.set_quadrature_function(self._lag_term) references = self.quad_stage_cost.ref_placeholder u_old = self.quad_stage_cost.input_change_placeholder else: references = [] u_old = [] problem = dict(model) if self._lag_term_flag: if self.quad_stage_cost.ref_placeholder.shape[0] != 0: references = self.quad_stage_cost.ref_placeholder else: if self._use_sx: references = ca.SX.sym('r', 0) else: references = ca.MX.sym('r', 0) u_old = self.quad_stage_cost.input_change_placeholder self._lag_term_fun = ca.Function('lagrange_term', [problem['t'], problem['x'], problem['u'], problem['z'], problem['p'], references, u_old], [self._lag_term]) if self._nlp_options['integration_method'] == 'collocation': continuous2discrete(problem, **self._nlp_options) # Slack for soft constraints if self._use_sx: ek = ca.SX.sym('e', self.stage_constraint.size) else: ek = ca.MX.sym('e', self.stage_constraint.size) # Add all constraints to the collocation points # box constraints # TODO is here options['degree']+ 1 or problem['ode']??? n_xik = (self._nlp_options['degree']) * (model.n_x) n_zik = (self._nlp_options['degree']) * (model.n_z) x_ik_guess = np.tile(self._x_guess, self._nlp_options['degree']) x_ik_ub = np.tile(self._x_ub, self._nlp_options['degree']) x_ik_lb = np.tile(self._x_lb, self._nlp_options['degree']) if model.n_z > 0: z_ik_guess = np.tile(self._z_guess, self._nlp_options['degree']) z_ik_ub = np.tile(self._z_ub, self._nlp_options['degree']) z_ik_lb = np.tile(self._z_lb, self._nlp_options['degree']) # nonlinear constraints # Constraints in the control interval gk_col = [] gk_col_lb = [] gk_col_ub = [] for k in range(self._nlp_options['degree']): x_col = problem['collocation_points_ode'][k] z_col = problem['collocation_points_alg'][k] if self.stage_constraint.is_set: if self.stage_constraint.is_soft: residual = self._stage_constraints_fun(problem['t'], x_col, problem['u'], z_col, problem['p'], ek) gk_col.append(residual) gk_col_lb.append(np.repeat(-np.inf, self.stage_constraint.size * 2)) gk_col_ub.append(self.stage_constraint.ub) gk_col_ub.append([-lb for lb in]) else: residual = self._stage_constraints_fun(problem['t'], x_col, problem['u'], z_col, problem['p']) gk_col.append(residual) gk_col_lb.append( gk_col_ub.append(self.stage_constraint.ub) gk_col.append(problem['collocation_equations']) gk_col_lb.append(np.zeros(problem['collocation_equations'].shape[0])) gk_col_ub.append(np.zeros(problem['collocation_equations'].shape[0])) # Create function int_dynamics_fun = ca.Function("integrator_collocation", [problem['t'], # time variable (for time varying systems) problem['dt'], # dt variable (for possibly different sampling time) ca.vertcat(*problem['collocation_points_ode']), # x at collocation points problem['x'], # x at the begining of the interval problem['u'], # input of the interval ca.vertcat(*problem['collocation_points_alg']), # alg states at coll. problem['p'], # parameters (constant over the interval at least) ek, # slack variable for (possibly) soft constrained systems references, u_old], [ca.vertcat(*gk_col), problem['ode'], problem['quad']]) elif self._nlp_options['integration_method'] == 'discrete': n_zik = model.n_z z_ik_guess = self._z_guess z_ik_ub = self._z_ub z_ik_lb = self._z_lb int_dynamics_fun = ca.Function('integrator_discrete', [problem['t'], problem['dt'], problem['x'], problem['u'], problem['z'], problem['p'], ], [problem['ode']]) elif self._nlp_options['integration_method'] in ['rk', 'rk4']: continuous2discrete(problem, **self._nlp_options) n_zik = (self._nlp_options['order']) * model.n_z z_ik_guess = np.tile(self._z_guess, self._nlp_options['order']) z_ik_ub = np.tile(self._z_ub, self._nlp_options['order']) z_ik_lb = np.tile(self._z_lb, self._nlp_options['order']) # Create function int_dynamics_fun = ca.Function("integrator_collocation", [ problem['t'], # time variable (for time varying systems) problem['dt'], # dt variable (for possibly different sampling time) problem['x'], # x at the beginning of the interval problem['u'], # input of the interval problem['discretization_points'], # algebraic variables problem['z'], problem['p'], # parameters (constant over the interval at least) references, u_old ], [problem['alg'], problem['ode'], problem['quad']]) elif self._nlp_options['integration_method'] in ['idas', 'cvodes']: n_zik = model.n_z z_ik_guess = self._z_guess z_ik_ub = self._z_ub z_ik_lb = self._z_lb if model.n_z == 0: dae = {'t': problem['t'], 'x': problem['x'], 'p': ca.vertcat(problem['u'], problem['p'], u_old, references, problem['dt']), 'ode': model.ode, 'quad': self._lag_term} else: dae = {'t': problem['t'], 'x': ca.vertcat(problem['x'], problem['z']), 'p': ca.vertcat(problem['u'], problem['p'], u_old, references, problem['dt']), 'ode': ca.vertcat(model.ode, model.alg), 'quad': self._lag_term} opts = {'abstol': 1e-10, 'reltol': 1e-10, 'tf': self._sampling_interval} int_dynamics_fun = ca.integrator('integrator_ms', self._nlp_options['integration_method'], dae, opts) else: raise ValueError(f"Integration {self._nlp_options['integration_method']} not defined.") # Total number of optimization variable n_v = self._control_horizon * model.n_u + (self._prediction_horizon + 1) * (model.n_x + model.n_z) if self._nlp_options['integration_method'] == 'collocation': n_v += self._prediction_horizon * (n_xik + n_zik) if self._nlp_options['integration_method'] in ['rk', 'rk4']: n_v += self._prediction_horizon * (n_zik) if self.stage_constraint.is_soft: n_v += self.stage_constraint.constraint.size1() if self.terminal_constraint.is_soft: n_v += self.terminal_constraint.constraint.size1() if self._custom_constraint_is_soft_flag: n_v += self._custom_constraint_size if self._minimize_final_time_flag: n_v += self._prediction_horizon v = ca.MX.sym('v', n_v) v_lb = np.zeros(n_v) v_ub = np.zeros(n_v) v_guess = np.zeros(n_v) offset = 0 # Predefine optimization variable - Those always exist, independently of the method used x = np.resize(np.array([], dtype=ca.MX), (self._prediction_horizon + 1, 1)) x_ind = [] for ii in range(self._prediction_horizon + 1): x[ii, 0] = v[offset:offset + model.n_x] x_ind.append([j for j in range(offset, offset + model.n_x)]) v_guess[offset:offset + model.n_x] = self._x_guess v_lb[offset:offset + model.n_x] = self._x_lb v_ub[offset:offset + model.n_x] = self._x_ub if self._mixed_integer_flag: self._discrete_variables_bool.extend([False] * model._n_x) offset += model.n_x u = np.resize(np.array([], dtype=ca.MX), (self._control_horizon, 1)) u_ind = [] for ii in range(self._control_horizon): u[ii, 0] = v[offset:offset + model.n_u] u_ind.append([j for j in range(offset, offset + model.n_u)]) v_guess[offset:offset + model.n_u] = self._u_guess v_lb[offset:offset + model.n_u] = self._u_lb v_ub[offset:offset + model.n_u] = self._u_ub if self._mixed_integer_flag: self._discrete_variables_bool.extend(model.discrete_u) offset += model.n_u if model.n_z > 0: z = np.resize(np.array([], dtype=ca.MX), (self._prediction_horizon + 1, 1)) z_ind = [] for ii in range(self._prediction_horizon + 1): z[ii, 0] = v[offset:offset + model.n_z] z_ind.append([j for j in range(offset, offset + model.n_z)]) v_guess[offset:offset + model.n_z] = self._z_guess v_lb[offset:offset + model.n_z] = self._z_lb v_ub[offset:offset + model.n_z] = self._z_ub offset += model.n_z # Some other variables must be added, depending on the approximation method used if self._nlp_options['integration_method'] == 'collocation': ip = np.resize(np.array([], dtype=ca.MX), (self._prediction_horizon, 1)) zp = np.resize(np.array([], dtype=ca.MX), (self._prediction_horizon, 1)) for ii in range(self._prediction_horizon): ip[ii, 0] = v[offset:offset + n_xik] v_guess[offset:offset + n_xik] = x_ik_guess v_lb[offset:offset + n_xik] = x_ik_lb v_ub[offset:offset + n_xik] = x_ik_ub if self._mixed_integer_flag: self._discrete_variables_bool.extend([False] * n_xik) offset += n_xik if model.n_z > 0: zp[ii, 0] = v[offset:offset + n_zik] v_guess[offset:offset + n_zik] = z_ik_guess v_lb[offset:offset + n_zik] = z_ik_lb v_ub[offset:offset + n_zik] = z_ik_ub offset += n_zik elif self._nlp_options['integration_method'] in ['rk', 'rk4', 'discrete', 'idas', 'cvodes']: zp = np.resize(np.array([], dtype=ca.MX), (self._prediction_horizon, 1)) for ii in range(self._prediction_horizon): zp[ii, 0] = v[offset:offset + n_zik] v_guess[offset:offset + n_zik] = z_ik_guess v_lb[offset:offset + n_zik] = z_ik_lb v_ub[offset:offset + n_zik] = z_ik_ub offset += n_zik if self.stage_constraint.is_soft: e_soft_stage = v[offset:offset + self.stage_constraint.size] self._e_soft_stage_ind = [j for j in range(offset, offset + self.stage_constraint.size)] v_lb[offset:offset + self.stage_constraint.size] = np.zeros(self.stage_constraint.size) v_ub[offset:offset + self.stage_constraint.size] = self.stage_constraint.max_violation v_guess[offset:offset + self.stage_constraint.size] = np.zeros(self.stage_constraint.size) if self._mixed_integer_flag: self._discrete_variables_bool.extend([False]) offset += self.stage_constraint.size else: e_soft_stage = ca.MX.sym('e_soft_stage', 0) if self.terminal_constraint.is_soft: e_soft_term = v[offset:offset + self.terminal_constraint.size] self._e_soft_term_ind = [j for j in range(offset, offset + self.terminal_constraint.size)] v_lb[offset:offset + self.terminal_constraint.size] = np.zeros(self.terminal_constraint.size) v_ub[offset:offset + self.terminal_constraint.size] = self.terminal_constraint.max_violation v_guess[offset:offset + self.terminal_constraint.size] = np.zeros(self.terminal_constraint.size) if self._mixed_integer_flag: self._discrete_variables_bool.extend([False]) offset += self.terminal_constraint.size if self._custom_constraint_is_soft_flag: e_cus = v[offset:offset + self._custom_constraint_size] v_lb[offset:offset + self._custom_constraint_size] = np.zeros(self._custom_constraint_size) v_ub[offset:offset + self._custom_constraint_size] = self._custom_constraint_maximum_violation v_guess[offset:offset + self._custom_constraint_size] = self._custom_constraint_size offset += self._custom_constraint_size # Create an entry for every reference tv_stage_ref_list = [] for ii in range(len(self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list)): for name in self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['names']: if not isinstance(self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['ref'], ca.SX) and not isinstance( self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['ref'], ca.MX): tv_stage_ref_list.append(catools.entry(name + '_sr', shape=(1, self._prediction_horizon))) tv_term_ref_list = [] for ii in range(len(self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list)): for name in self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['names']: if not isinstance(self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['ref'], ca.SX) and not isinstance( self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['ref'], ca.MX): tv_term_ref_list.append(catools.entry(name + '_tr', shape=1)) # Predefine parameters (those are fixed and not optimized) param_npl_mpc = catools.struct_symMX([catools.entry("tv_p", shape=(self._n_tvp, self._prediction_horizon)), catools.entry("c_p", shape=model.n_p - self._n_tvp), catools.entry('u_old', shape=len(self.quad_stage_cost._ind_input_changes)), catools.entry('dt', shape=self._prediction_horizon), catools.entry('time', shape=1)] + tv_term_ref_list + tv_stage_ref_list) tv_p = param_npl_mpc['tv_p'] c_p = param_npl_mpc['c_p'] u_old = param_npl_mpc['u_old'] # Concat all the time-varying trajectories tv_ref_sc = [] for ii in range(len(self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list)): for name in self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['names']: if self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['ref'] is None: tv_ref_sc.append(param_npl_mpc[name + '_sr']) if len(tv_ref_sc) > 0: tv_ref_sc = ca.vertcat(*tv_ref_sc) else: tv_ref_sc = ca.MX.sym('bla', (0, self._prediction_horizon)) tv_ref_tc = [] for ii in range(len(self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list)): for name in self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['names']: if self.quad_terminal_cost._trajectories_list[ii]['ref'] is None: tv_ref_tc.append(param_npl_mpc[name + '_tr']) if len(tv_ref_tc) > 0: tv_ref_tc = ca.vertcat(*tv_ref_tc) else: tv_ref_tc = ca.MX.sym('bla', 0) t_ind = [] if self._minimize_final_time_flag is False: _dt = param_npl_mpc['dt'] else: _dt = v[offset:offset + self.prediction_horizon] t_ind = [j for j in range(offset, offset + self.prediction_horizon)] v_lb[offset:offset + self.prediction_horizon] = np.zeros(self.prediction_horizon) v_ub[offset:offset + self.prediction_horizon] = ca.inf * np.ones(self.prediction_horizon) v_guess[offset:offset + self.prediction_horizon] = self._sampling_interval * np.ones( self.prediction_horizon) offset += self.prediction_horizon # Constraint function for the NLP g = [] g_lb = [] g_ub = [] J = 0 ind_g = 0 # get the current sampling time time = param_npl_mpc['time'] for ii in range(self._prediction_horizon): x_ii = x[ii, 0] if ii < self._control_horizon: u_ii = u[ii, 0] if ii >= 1: u_old0 = [u_ii[jj] for jj in self.quad_stage_cost._ind_input_changes] u_old0 = ca.vertcat(*u_old0) else: u_old0 = u_old p_ii = self._rearrange_parameters(tv_p[:, ii], c_p) tv_ref_sc_ii = tv_ref_sc[:, ii] dt_ii = _dt[ii] if self._nlp_options['integration_method'] in ['idas', 'cvodes']: sol = int_dynamics_fun(x0=ca.vertcat(x_ii, zp[ii, 0]), p=ca.vertcat(u_ii, p_ii, u_old0, tv_ref_sc_ii, dt_ii)) x_ii_1 = sol['xf'] quad = sol['qf'] elif self._nlp_options['integration_method'] in ['rk4', 'rk']: [alg, x_ii_1, quad] = int_dynamics_fun( time, dt_ii, x_ii, u_ii, zp[ii, 0], p_ii, tv_ref_sc_ii, e_soft_stage, u_old0) g.append(alg) g_lb.append(np.zeros(alg.size1())) g_ub.append(np.zeros(alg.size1())) if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: self._g_indices['dynamics_collocation'].append([ind_g, ind_g + alg.size1()]) ind_g += alg.size1() elif self._nlp_options['integration_method'] == 'collocation': [g_coll, x_ii_1, quad] = int_dynamics_fun( time, dt_ii, ip[ii, 0], x_ii, u_ii, zp[ii, 0], p_ii, e_soft_stage, tv_ref_sc_ii, u_old0) g.append(g_coll) g_lb.extend(gk_col_lb) g_ub.extend(gk_col_ub) if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: self._g_indices['dynamics_collocation'].append([ind_g, ind_g + g_coll.size1()]) ind_g += g_coll.size1() elif self._nlp_options['integration_method'] == 'discrete': x_ii_1 = int_dynamics_fun(time, dt_ii, x_ii, u_ii, zp[ii, 0], p_ii) g.append(x[ii + 1, 0] - x_ii_1) g_lb.append(np.zeros(model.n_x)) g_ub.append(np.zeros(model.n_x)) if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: self._g_indices['dynamics_multiple_shooting'].append([ind_g, ind_g + x_ii_1.shape[0]]) ind_g += x_ii_1.size1() # Add lagrange term # TODO check if call is necessary if self._lag_term_flag: if self._nlp_options['integration_method'] == 'discrete' or \ self._nlp_options['objective_function'] == 'discrete': quad = self._lag_term_fun(time, x_ii, u_ii, zp[ii, 0], p_ii, tv_ref_sc_ii, u_old0) J += quad if self._may_term_flag and ii == self._prediction_horizon - 1: J += self._may_term_fun(time + dt_ii, x_ii_1, tv_ref_tc) if self.terminal_constraint.is_set and ii == self._prediction_horizon - 1: if self.terminal_constraint.is_soft: residual = self._terminal_constraints_fun(time, x_ii, zp[ii, 0], p_ii, e_soft_term) J += self.terminal_constraint.cost(e_soft_term) g.append(residual) g_lb.append([-ca.inf] * self.terminal_constraint.size * 2) g_ub.append([ub for ub in self.terminal_constraint.ub]) g_ub.append([-lb for lb in]) if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: self._g_indices['nonlin_term_const'].append( [ind_g, ind_g + self.terminal_constraint.size * 2]) ind_g += self.terminal_constraint.size * 2 else: residual = self._terminal_constraints_fun(time, x_ii_1, zp[ii, 0], p_ii) g.append(residual) g_lb.append( g_ub.append(self.terminal_constraint.ub) if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: self._g_indices['nonlin_term_const'].append( [ind_g, ind_g + residual.size1()]) ind_g += residual.size1() if self.stage_constraint.is_set: if self.stage_constraint.is_soft: residual = self._stage_constraints_fun(time, x_ii, u_ii, zp[ii, 0], p_ii, e_soft_stage) J += self.stage_constraint.cost(e_soft_stage) g.append(residual) g_lb.append([-ca.inf] * self.stage_constraint.size * 2) g_ub.append([ub for ub in self.stage_constraint.ub]) g_ub.append([-lb for lb in]) if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: self._g_indices['nonlin_stag_const'].append( [ind_g, ind_g + residual.size1()]) ind_g += residual.size1() else: residual = self._stage_constraints_fun(time, x_ii, u_ii, zp[ii, 0], p_ii) g.append(residual) g_lb.append( g_ub.append(self.stage_constraint.ub) if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: self._g_indices['nonlin_stag_const'].append( [ind_g, ind_g + residual.size1()]) ind_g += residual.size1() # update time in the horizon time += dt_ii if self._custom_constraint_flag: if self._custom_constraint_is_soft_flag: W = np.diag([10000] * self._custom_constraint_size) J += ca.mtimes(e_cus.T, ca.mtimes(W, e_cus)) g.append(self._custom_constraint_fun(v, x_ind, u_ind) - e_cus) g_lb.append([-ca.inf] * self._custom_constraint_size) g_ub.append(self._custom_constraint_fun_ub) g.append(self._custom_constraint_fun(v, x_ind, u_ind) + e_cus) g_lb.append(self._custom_constraint_fun_lb) g_ub.append([ca.inf] * self._custom_constraint_size) else: g.append(self._custom_constraint_fun(v, x_ind, u_ind)) g_lb.append(self._custom_constraint_fun_lb) g_ub.append(self._custom_constraint_fun_ub) if self._minimize_final_time_flag: # Force all the sampling time to be equal for kkk in range(self.prediction_horizon - 1): g.append(_dt[kkk] - _dt[kkk + 1]) g_lb.append(0) g_ub.append(0) # Add the time to the objective function J += ca.sum1(_dt) * self._minimize_final_time_weight g = ca.vertcat(*g) self._g_lb = ca.DM(ca.vertcat(*g_lb)) self._g_ub = ca.DM(ca.vertcat(*g_ub)) self._v0 = ca.DM(v_guess) self._v_lb = ca.DM(v_lb) self._v_ub = ca.DM(v_ub) self._u_ind = u_ind self._x_ind = x_ind self._dt_ind = t_ind self._J = J self._v = v self._param_npl_mpc = param_npl_mpc self._g = g self._nlp_setup_done = True self._n_v = n_v if self._nlp_options['ipopt_debugger']: # Adds the callback debugger. debugger = IpoptDebugger('ipopt_debugger', self._n_v, self._g.shape[0], 0, 0, self._x_ind, self._u_ind) self.debugger = debugger self._nlp_opts.update({'iteration_callback': debugger}) nlp_dict = {'f': self._J, 'x': self._v, 'p': self._param_npl_mpc, 'g': self._g} if self._solver_name in self._solver_name_list_nlp: solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', self._solver_name, nlp_dict, self._nlp_opts) elif self._solver_name in self._solver_name_list_qp: solver = ca.qpsol('solver', self._solver_name, nlp_dict, self._nlp_opts) else: raise ValueError( f"The solver {self._solver_name} does no exist. The possible solver are {self._solver_name_list}." ) self._solver = solver
[docs] def setup(self, options=None, solver_options=None) -> None: """ Sets up the corresponding optimization problem (OP) of the MPC. This must be run before attempting to solve the MPC. :param options: Options for MPC. See documentation. :type options: dict :param solver_options: Dictionary with options for the optimizer. These options are solver specific. Refer to the CasADi Documentation :type solver_options: dict :return: None """ self._setup(options=options, solver_options=solver_options)
[docs] def return_prediction(self): """ Returns the mpc prediction. :return: x_pred, u_pred, t_pred """ if self._nlp_solution is not None: x_pred = np.zeros((self._model.n_x, self._prediction_horizon + 1)) u_pred = np.zeros((self._model.n_u, self._control_horizon)) dt_pred = np.zeros(self._prediction_horizon) for ii in range(self._prediction_horizon + 1): x_pred[:, ii] = np.asarray(self._nlp_solution['x'][self._x_ind[ii]]).squeeze() * self._x_scaling for ii in range(self._control_horizon): u_pred[:, ii] = np.asarray(self._nlp_solution['x'][self._u_ind[ii]]).squeeze() * self._u_scaling if len(self._dt_ind) > 0: for ii in range(self._prediction_horizon): dt_pred[ii] = np.asarray(self._nlp_solution['x'][self._dt_ind[ii]]).squeeze() else: dt_pred = None return x_pred, u_pred, dt_pred else: warnings.warn("There is still no mpc solution available. Run mpc.optimize() to get one.") return None, None, None
[docs] def get_reference(self, time): """ Returns reference values at a given time. If works for path following, trajectory tracking and reference tracking problems. For the reference tracking problem it returns always a (constant) reference. :param time: :return: """ references = [] for ref in self.quad_stage_cost._references_list: value = ref['ref'] references.append({'type': ref['type'], 'value': value, 'ind': ref['ind']}) for ref in self.quad_stage_cost._trajectories_list: traj_i = ref['ref'] if traj_i is not None: if isinstance(traj_i, ca.SX): # In this case the trajectory is given as a function, which has to be evaluated at # the current time value = ca.DM(ca.substitute(traj_i, self.time_var, time)) else: # In this case, the trajectory is just a series of values value = traj_i[self.n_iterations] references.append({'type': ref['type'], 'value': value, 'ind': ref['ind']}) else: raise ValueError("You did not supply a reference trajectory for the trajectory tracking problem." "Use set_trajectory to set it up or add a function trajectory in the cost function." ) for _ in self.quad_stage_cost._paths_list: for i, path_var in enumerate(self._controller._paths_var_list): theta = path_var['theta'] path_i = ca.substitute(path_i, theta, self._controller.solution[f'thetapf{i}'][0]) return references
@property def obj_fun(self): """ :return: Objective function (MX) """ if self._nlp_setup_done is False: raise AttributeError( "You need to setup the NLP by running mpc.setup() method before accessing the objective function." ) return self._J @property def prediction_horizon(self): """ :return: """ return self._prediction_horizon @prediction_horizon.setter def prediction_horizon(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, int) and arg >= 1: self._prediction_horizon = arg self._prediction_horizon_is_set = True else: raise ValueError("The horizon numer must be a positive nonzero integer") @property def control_horizon(self): """ :return: """ return self._control_horizon @control_horizon.setter def control_horizon(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, int) and arg >= 1: self._control_horizon = arg self._control_horizon_is_set = True else: raise ValueError("The horizon numer must be a positive nonzero integer") @property def n_of_path_vars(self): """ Number of path variables used for path following :return: """ return len(self._paths_var_list) @property def n_tvp(self): """ :return: """ return self._n_tvp @property def time_var(self): """ :return: """ return self._time_var
[docs]class LMPC(Controller, DynamicOptimization): """""" def __init__(self, model, id=None, name=None, plot_backend='bokeh', use_sx=True): # Copy the steady state values. Because they will get lost afer the constructor self._steady_state = model._steady_state """Constructor method""" super().__init__(model, id=id, name=name, plot_backend=plot_backend) if not model.is_linear(): raise TypeError("The model must be linear. Use the NMPC class instead.") if not model.discrete: raise TypeError("The model not discrete-time. Please run model.discretize() before or build " "directl a discrete model.") self._may_term_flag = False self._lag_term_flag = False self._prediction_horizon_is_set = False self._control_horizon_is_set = False self._change_input_term_flag = False self._mixed_integer_flag = False self._trajectory_following_flag = False self._mpc_options_is_set = False self._paths_var_list = [] self._time = 0 self._n_iterations = 0 # Initialize the costs self._time_var = [] self._lag_term = 0 self._may_term = 0 self._minimize_final_time_flag = False self._time_varying_parameters_ind = [] self.x_ub = [] self.x_lb = [] self.u_ub = [] self.u_lb = [] self.time_varying_parameters = [] self._x_scaling = [] self._u_scaling = [] self._y_scaling = [] self._prediction_horizon = [] self._control_horizon = [] self._e_soft_stage_ind = [] self._e_term_stage_ind = [] # In some cases, for example path following with interpolated path using spline, the objective # function needs to be defined in MX variable instead of SX, because the CasADi spline interpolation # is defined only in MX functions. self._use_sx = use_sx # Save dimensions of the model. This can be useful because the MPC can change these later, but we still need # them self._n_x = deepcopy(model.n_x) self._n_u = deepcopy(model.n_u) self._n_y = deepcopy(model.n_y) self._n_z = deepcopy(model.n_z) self._n_p = deepcopy(model.n_p) self._n_m = 1 self._options = {} # Initialize weighting matrices self._P = None self._Q = None self._R = None # default solver self._solver_name = 'qpoases' def _update_type(self) -> None: """ :return: """ self._type = 'LMPC' def _parse_tvp_parameters_values(self, tvp): """ :param tvp: :return: """ # Get horizon of tvp values if tvp is not None: self._time_varying_parameters_horizon = ca.DM.zeros(self._n_tvp, self.prediction_horizon) tvp_counter = 0 for key, value in tvp.items(): if len(value) < self.prediction_horizon: raise TypeError( "When passing time-varying parameters, you need to pass a number of values at least " f"as long as the prediction horizon. The parameter {key} has {len(value)} values but the MPC " f"has a prediction horizon length of {self._prediction_horizon}." ) value = tvp[key] self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[tvp_counter, :] = value[:self._prediction_horizon] tvp_counter += 1 elif self._time_varying_parameters_values is not None: self._get_tvp_parameters_values() else: raise ValueError( f"Mate, I know there are {self._n_tvp} time varying parameters but you did not pass me any." f"Please provide me with the values of the parameters, either to the optimize() method or to the " f"set_time_varying_parameters() method." ) def _save_predictions(self, cp, tvp): """ Store prediction in the solution object. Necessary for plotting. :return: """ # Save prediction in solution x_pred, u_pred = self.return_prediction() if self._n_tvp > 0: p = self._rearrange_parameters_numeric(tvp[:, 0], cp) for ii in range(1, self._prediction_horizon): p = ca.horzcat(p, self._rearrange_parameters_numeric(tvp[:, ii], cp)) else: p = cp # Save solution in the solution class self.solution.add('x', x_pred[:self._n_x, :]) self.solution.add('u', u_pred[:self._n_u, :]) self.solution.add('p', p) t_pred = np.linspace(self._time, self._time + (self.prediction_horizon) * self.sampling_interval, self.prediction_horizon + 1) self.solution.add('t', ca.DM(t_pred).T) def _scale_problem(self): """ :return: """ self._u_ub = scale_vector(self._u_ub, self._u_scaling) self._u_lb = scale_vector(self._u_lb, self._u_scaling) self._x_ub = scale_vector(self._x_ub, self._x_scaling) self._x_lb = scale_vector(self._x_lb, self._x_scaling) # ... ode ... self._model.scale(self._u_scaling, id='u') self._model.scale(self._x_scaling, id='x') # ... cost matrices ... if self.Q is not None: self.Q = np.array(self._x_scaling).T * self.Q * np.array(self._x_scaling).T if self.P is not None: self.P = np.array(self._x_scaling).T * self.P * np.array(self._x_scaling).T if self.R is not None: self.R = np.array(self._u_scaling).T * self.R * np.array(self._u_scaling).T def _check_mpc_is_well_posed(self): """ :return: """ if self.Q is None and self.R is None and self.P is None: raise ValueError("You need to define at least one of the weighting matrices before setting up the LMPC.") if not self._prediction_horizon_is_set: raise ValueError("You must set a prediction horizon length before") if not self._control_horizon_is_set: raise ValueError("You must set a control horizon length before.") if self._Q is not None: if self._Q.shape != (self._n_x, self._n_x): raise ValueError( f"The state matrix Q must be of dimension {(self._n_x, self._n_x)}, you have dimension {self._Q.shape}") if self._P is not None: if self._P.shape != (self._n_x, self._n_x): raise ValueError( f"The state matrix P must be of dimension {(self._n_x, self._n_x)}, you have dimension {self._P.shape}") if self._R is not None: if self._R.shape != (self._n_u, self._n_u): raise ValueError( f"The input matrix Q must be of dimension {(self._n_u, self._n_u)}, you have dimension {self._R.shape}") # # Check tvp and initialize horizon of tvp values # if self._time_varying_parameters_values is not None: # self._time_varying_parameters_horizon = ca.DM.zeros((self._n_tvp), self.prediction_horizon) # tvp_counter = 0 # for key, value in self._time_varying_parameters_values.items(): # if len(value) < self.prediction_horizon: # raise TypeError( # f"When passing time-varying parameters, you need to pass a number of values at least " # f"as long as the prediction horizon. The parameter {key} has {len(value)} values but the MPC " # f"has a prediction horizon length of {self._prediction_horizon}." # ) # # value = self._time_varying_parameters_values[key] # self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[tvp_counter, :] = value[0:self._prediction_horizon] # tvp_counter += 1 def _save_references(self): x_ref = ca.DM.nan(self._n_x, self.horizon) u_ref = ca.DM.nan(self._n_u, self.horizon) x_ref = ca.repmat(ca.DM.zeros(self._n_x).T, self.horizon).T u_ref = ca.repmat(ca.DM.zeros(self._n_u).T, self.horizon).T self.solution.add('u_ref', u_ref) self.solution.add('x_ref', x_ref)
[docs] def setup(self, options=None, solver_options={}, solver='qpoases'): """ :param options: :param solver_options: :param : :return: """ self._check_mpc_is_well_posed() if not self._scaling_is_set: self.set_scaling() if not self._time_varying_parameters_is_set: self.set_time_varying_parameters() if not self._box_constraints_is_set: self.set_box_constraints() if not self._nlp_solver_is_set: self.set_nlp_solver(solver) if not self._sampling_time_is_set: self.set_sampling_interval() self._solver_options = solver_options self._populate_solution() self._x_lb_orig = deepcopy(self._x_lb) self._x_ub_orig = deepcopy(self._x_ub) self._u_lb_orig = deepcopy(self._u_lb) self._u_ub_orig = deepcopy(self._u_ub) # Scale problem self._scale_problem() # Predefine parameters (those are fixed and not optimized) param_lmpc = ca.SX.sym("tv_p", self._n_tvp, self._horizon) n_x = self._n_x n_u = self._n_u A = self._model.state_matrix B = self._model.input_matrix Q = self.Q R = self.R P = self.P if Q is None: Q = ca.DM.zeros(self._n_x, self._n_x) if P is None: P = ca.DM.zeros(self._n_x, self._n_x) if R is None: R = ca.DM.zeros(self._n_u, self._n_u) dim_states = n_x * (self._horizon + 1) dim_control = n_u * self._horizon # Build Aeq # aux1 = np.eye(self._horizon, self._horizon + 1) # Abar1 = ca.kron(aux1, A) if self._n_tvp > 0: Abar1 = ca.substitute(A, self._model.p[self._time_varying_parameters_ind], param_lmpc[:, 0]) for i in range(1, self._horizon): Abar1 = ca.diagcat(Abar1, ca.substitute(A, self._model.p[self._time_varying_parameters_ind], param_lmpc[:, i])) else: aux1 = np.eye(self._horizon, self._horizon) Abar1 = ca.kron(aux1, A) # Add a column of zero matrices Abar1 = ca.horzcat(Abar1, ca.DM.zeros(self._horizon * self._n_x, self._n_x)) aux2 = np.zeros((self._horizon, self._horizon + 1)) # Save indices variables u_ind = [] x_ind = [] offset_x = 0 x_ind.append([j for j in range(offset_x, offset_x + n_x)]) offset_x += n_x offset_u = (self._horizon + 1) * n_x for i in range(self._horizon): aux2[i, i + 1] = -1 x_ind.append([j for j in range(offset_x, offset_x + n_x)]) u_ind.append([j for j in range(offset_u, offset_u + n_u)]) offset_x += n_x offset_u += n_u Abar2 = ca.kron(aux2, ca.DM.eye(n_x)) # aux3 = np.eye(self._horizon, self._horizon) if self._n_tvp > 0: Abar3 = ca.substitute(B, self._model.p[self._time_varying_parameters_ind], param_lmpc[:, 0]) for i in range(1, self._horizon): Abar3 = ca.diagcat(Abar3, ca.substitute(B, self._model.p[self._time_varying_parameters_ind], param_lmpc[:, i])) else: aux3 = np.eye(self._horizon, self._horizon) Abar3 = ca.kron(B, aux3) # Add constraints for the ode Aeq = ca.horzcat(Abar1 + Abar2, Abar3) # generate parameters beq = ca.kron(ca.DM.zeros(self._model.n_x), ca.DM.ones(self.horizon)) # Add constraints for the polytope constraints # TODO, they should be added to A H_states = ca.kron(ca.DM.eye(self._horizon), Q) H_states = ca.diagcat(H_states, P) H_control = ca.kron(ca.DM.eye(self._horizon), R) H = ca.diagcat(H_states, H_control) g = ca.DM.zeros((dim_states + dim_control, 1)) lb_states = ca.kron(ca.DM.ones((self._horizon + 1, 1)), self._x_lb) ub_states = ca.kron(ca.DM.ones((self._horizon + 1, 1)), self._x_ub) lb_control = ca.kron(ca.DM.ones((self._horizon, 1)), self._u_lb) ub_control = ca.kron(ca.DM.ones((self._horizon, 1)), self._u_ub) v_lb = ca.vertcat(lb_states, lb_control) v_ub = ca.vertcat(ub_states, ub_control) qp = { 'h': H.sparsity(), 'a': Aeq.sparsity(), } # TODO move this check of the solver into the setup_solver method if self._solver_name in self._solver_name_list_qp: # self._nlp_opts.update({'p': param_lmpc}) solver = ca.conic("solver", self._solver_name, qp, self._solver_options) # x = ca.SX.sym('x', H.shape[0]) # qp = {'x':x, 'f': x.T@H@x, 'g':Aeq@x, 'p':param_npl_mpc } # solver = ca.qpsol("solver", self._solver_name, qp) elif self._solver_name == 'muaompc': try: from ..embedded.muaompc import setup_solver except ImportError as err: message = f"{err}." message += "\nTo use nlp_solver='muaompc' first install muaompc." message += " Try:\n pip install muaompc" raise ImportError(message) solver = setup_solver(self) else: raise ValueError( f"The solver {self._solver_name} does no exist. The possible solver are {self._solver_name_list_qp}." ) self._solver = solver self._H = ca.DM(H) self._g = g self._Ad = Aeq self._Ad_lb = beq self._Ad_ub = beq self._v_lb = v_lb self._v_ub = v_ub self._x_ind = x_ind self._u_ind = u_ind self._param_lmpc = param_lmpc
[docs] def optimize(self, x0, tvp=None, cp=None): """ :param x0: :param tvp: :param cp: :return: """ # TODO: substitute all the values of all the variables remaining in the matrices if self._solver_name == 'muaompc': return self._solver(x0) if self._model.n_p - self._n_tvp != 0: if cp is not None: cp = check_and_wrap_to_DM(cp) if cp is None or cp.size1() != self._model.n_p - self._n_tvp: raise ValueError( f"The model has {self._model.n_p - self._n_tvp} constant parameter(s): " f"{self._model.parameter_names}. You must pass me the value of these before running the " f"optimization to the 'cp' parameter." ) else: if cp is not None: warnings.warn( "You are passing a parameter vector in the optimizer, but the model has no defined parameters. " "I am ignoring the vector." ) x0 = check_and_wrap_to_DM(x0) if self._n_tvp > 0: self._parse_tvp_parameters_values(tvp) Ad = self._Ad Ad_ub = self._Ad_ub Ad_lb = self._Ad_lb Ad = ca.substitute(Ad, self._model.dt, self._sampling_interval) Ad_ub = ca.substitute(Ad_ub, self._model.dt, self._sampling_interval) Ad_lb = ca.substitute(Ad_lb, self._model.dt, self._sampling_interval) # TODO check that these points exists/have been provided by the user # Substitute the equilibrium points if self._model.is_linearized(): Ad = ca.substitute(Ad, self._model.x_eq, self._steady_state['x']) Ad = ca.substitute(Ad, self._model.u_eq, self._steady_state['u']) if cp is not None: ind_cp_par = [i for i in range(self._model.n_p) if i not in self._time_varying_parameters_ind] Ad = ca.substitute(Ad, self._model.p[ind_cp_par], cp) Ad_ub = ca.substitute(Ad_ub, self._model.p[ind_cp_par], cp) Ad_lb = ca.substitute(Ad_lb, self._model.p[ind_cp_par], cp) self._v_lb[self._x_ind[0][0:self._n_x]] = x0 / ca.DM(self._x_scaling[0:self._n_x]) self._v_ub[self._x_ind[0][0:self._n_x]] = x0 / ca.DM(self._x_scaling[0:self._n_x]) if self._n_tvp: for i in range(self._horizon): Ad = ca.substitute(Ad, self._param_lmpc[:, i], self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[:, i]) Ad_ub = ca.substitute(Ad_ub, self._param_lmpc[:, i], self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[:, i]) Ad_lb = ca.substitute(Ad_lb, self._param_lmpc[:, i], self._time_varying_parameters_horizon[:, i]) Ad = ca.DM(Ad) Ad_ub = ca.DM(Ad_ub) Ad_lb = ca.DM(Ad_lb) sol = self._solver(h=self._H, g=self._g, a=Ad, lbx=self._v_lb, ubx=self._v_ub, lba=Ad_lb, uba=Ad_ub) self._nlp_solution = sol u_opt = sol['x'][self._u_ind[0]] * np.array(self._u_scaling) # Reset the old solution self.reset_solution() # Save predictions in the solution object. Done for plotting purposes. self._save_predictions(cp, self._time_varying_parameters_horizon) # Update the time clock - Useful for time-varying systems and references. self._time += self.sampling_interval # Save reference (is this case always zero) self._save_references() # Interation counter self._n_iterations += 1 return u_opt
[docs] def set_stage_constraints(self, stage_constraint=None, lb=None, ub=None, is_soft=False, max_violation=ca.inf, weight=None, name='stage_constraint'): raise NotImplementedError(f"The method {self.set_stage_constraints.__name__} is not available for LMPC.")
[docs] def set_custom_constraints_function(self, fun=None, lb=None, ub=None, soft=False, max_violation=ca.inf): raise NotImplementedError( f"The method {self.set_custom_constraints_function.__name__} is not available for LMPC.")
[docs] def set_initial_guess(self, x_guess=None, u_guess=None, z_guess=None): raise NotImplementedError( f"The method {self.set_initial_guess.__name__} is not available for LMPC.")
[docs] def return_prediction(self): """ Returns the mpc prediction. :return: x_pred, u_pred, t_pred """ if self._nlp_solution is not None: x_pred = np.zeros((self._model.n_x, self._horizon + 1)) u_pred = np.zeros((self._model.n_u, self._control_horizon)) dt_pred = np.zeros(self._horizon) for ii in range(self._horizon + 1): x_pred[:, ii] = np.asarray(self._nlp_solution['x'][self._x_ind[ii]]).squeeze() * self._x_scaling for ii in range(self._control_horizon): u_pred[:, ii] = np.asarray(self._nlp_solution['x'][self._u_ind[ii]]).squeeze() * self._u_scaling return x_pred, u_pred else: warnings.warn("There is still no mpc solution available. Run mpc.optimize() to get one.") return None, None, None
@property def prediction_horizon(self): """ :return: """ return self._horizon @property def P(self): return self._P @P.setter def P(self, arg): self._P = check_and_wrap_to_DM(arg) @property def Q(self): return self._Q @Q.setter def Q(self, arg): self._Q = check_and_wrap_to_DM(arg) @property def R(self): return self._R @R.setter def R(self, arg): self._R = check_and_wrap_to_DM(arg)
class SMPC(NMPC): """Class for Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control""" def __init__(self, det_model, stoch_model, B, id=None, name=None, plot_backend=None, use_sx=True, stats=False, Kgain=None): # Save dimension of original (stochastic) model self._n_x_s = det_model.n_x self._n_u_s = det_model.n_u self._n_y_s = det_model.n_y self._n_p_s = det_model.n_p self._n_z_s = det_model.n_z if Kgain is not None: Kgain = check_and_wrap_to_DM(Kgain) self._Kgain_is_set = True else: self._Kgain_is_set = False # First transfor the problem in a deterministic problem model_c, Kx, Kgain = self._create_deterministic_surrogate(det_model, stoch_model, B, Kgain=Kgain) self.Kx = Kx self.Kgain = Kgain model_c.setup(dt=1) # TODO put the dt from the solution super().__init__(model_c, id=id, name=name, plot_backend=plot_backend, stats=stats, use_sx=use_sx) # Initialize change constraint probability self._x_ub_p = None self._x_lb_p = None self._u_ub_p = None self._u_lb_p = None self._y_ub_p = None self._y_lb_p = None self._z_ub_p = None self._z_lb_p = None # Initialize the original constraints self.x_ub_s = ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(det_model.n_x) self.x_lb_s = -ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(det_model.n_x) self.u_ub_s = ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(det_model.n_u) self.u_lb_s = -ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(det_model.n_u) self.y_ub_s = ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(det_model.n_y) self.y_lb_s = -ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(det_model.n_y) self.z_ub_s = ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(det_model.n_z) self.z_lb_s = -ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(det_model.n_z) self._smpc_options = None self._smpc_options_is_set = False def _create_deterministic_surrogate(self, det_model, gps, Bw, Kgain=None): """ Create surrogate deterministic model """ model_c = Model(plot_backend='matplotlib', discrete=True) mu_x = model_c.set_dynamical_states([f'{i}' for i in det_model.dynamical_state_names]) mu_u = model_c.set_inputs([f'{i}' for i in det_model.input_names]) mu_p = model_c.set_parameters(det_model.parameter_names) if mu_p.shape == (0, 0): mu_p.resize(0, 1) if Kgain is None: model_c.add_parameters([f'kgain_{i}' for i in range(det_model.n_x * det_model.n_u)]) Kgain = ca.reshape(model_c.p[det_model.n_p:], model_c.n_u, model_c.n_x) jgps = [] mu_ds = [] Kd0s = [] if isinstance(gps, gps = [gps] for gp in gps: index = [det_model.dynamical_state_names.index(i) for i in gp.features] xxx = det_model.x[index] (y_pred_gp_ca, var_pred_gp_ca) = gp.predict(xxx) # Compute jacobian of GP jgp = ca.jacobian(y_pred_gp_ca, ca.vertcat(det_model.x, det_model.u)) jgp = ca.substitute(jgp, det_model.x, mu_x) jgp = ca.substitute(jgp, det_model.u, mu_u) jgp = ca.substitute(jgp, det_model.p, mu_p) jgps.append(jgp) mu_d = ca.substitute(y_pred_gp_ca, det_model.x, mu_x) mu_d = ca.substitute(mu_d, det_model.u, mu_u) mu_d = ca.substitute(mu_d, det_model.p, mu_p) mu_ds.append(mu_d) # Get the variance Kd0 = ca.substitute(var_pred_gp_ca, det_model.x, mu_x) Kd0 = ca.substitute(Kd0, det_model.u, mu_u) Kd0 = ca.substitute(Kd0, det_model.p, mu_p) Kd0s.append(Kd0) mu_d = ca.vertcat(*mu_ds) jgps = ca.vertcat(*jgps) Kd0s = ca.diagcat(*Kd0s) # Create new ode based on the means ode = ca.substitute(det_model.ode, det_model.x, mu_x) ode = ca.substitute(ode, det_model.u, mu_u) ode = ca.substitute(ode, det_model.p, mu_p) # Substitute the dt with the new model dt. They are the same thing but we need to do it becuse they need to be the same # object ode = ca.substitute(ode, det_model.dt, model_c.dt) ode = ode + ca.mtimes(Bw, mu_d) model_c.set_dynamical_equations(ode) # Jacobian of the known part - necessary for uncertainty propagation jode = ca.jacobian(det_model.ode, ca.vertcat(det_model.x, det_model.u)) # Substitute the means jode = ca.substitute(jode, det_model.x, mu_x) jode = ca.substitute(jode, det_model.u, mu_u) jode = ca.substitute(jode, det_model.p, mu_p) # Define variances and covariances of states inputs, unknown part and noise - x = f(x,u) + Bd(g(x,u)+w) Kx = ca.SX.sym('kx', det_model.n_x, det_model.n_x) # Add the state that describe the evolution of the states covariance matrix model_c.add_dynamical_states(ca.reshape(Kx, det_model.n_x ** 2, 1)) Ku = ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Kgain, Kx), Kgain.T) Kxu = ca.mtimes(Kx, Kgain.T) Kux = Kxu.T Kz = ca.vertcat( ca.horzcat(Kx, Kxu), ca.horzcat(Kux, Ku) ) Kd = Kd0s + ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(jgps, Kz), jgps.T) Kzd = ca.mtimes(Kz, jgps.T) # FIXME should I add a noise covariance matrix to Kd here? bigK = ca.vertcat( ca.horzcat(Kz, Kzd), ca.horzcat(Kzd.T, Kd) ) jodeBw = ca.horzcat(jode, Bw) ode_c = ca.mtimes(jodeBw, ca.mtimes(bigK, jodeBw.T)) # Substitute the dt with the new model dt. They are the same thing but we need to do it becuse they need to be the same # object ode_c = ca.substitute(ode_c, det_model.dt, model_c.dt) model_c.add_dynamical_equations(ca.reshape(ode_c, det_model.n_x ** 2, 1)) return model_c, Kx, Kgain def _update_type(self) -> None: """ :return: """ self._type = 'SMPC' def _get_chance_constraints(self): # Note: # I am taking the diagonal of Kx because I am assuming only box constrains. For different kind of constraints # one should it id differenttly if self._nlp_options['chance_constraints'] == 'prs': if self._box_constraints_is_set: if any([i != ca.inf for i in self._x_lb]) or any([i != ca.inf for i in self._x_ub]): # Set state chance constraints x_prob_ub = self._model.x[:self._n_x_s] + ( ca.sqrt(2) * erfinv(2 * np.array(self._x_ub_p) - 1)) * ca.sqrt( ca.diag(self.Kx) + 1e-8) x_prob_lb = -self._model.x[:self._n_x_s] + ( ca.sqrt(2) * erfinv(2 * np.array(self._x_lb_p) - 1)) * ca.sqrt( ca.diag(self.Kx) + 1e-8) self.stage_constraint.constraint = ca.vertcat(x_prob_ub, x_prob_lb) self.stage_constraint.ub = ca.vertcat(ca.DM(self.x_ub_s), -ca.DM(self.x_lb_s)) = -ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(2 * self._n_x_s) self.terminal_constraint.constraint = ca.vertcat(x_prob_ub, x_prob_lb) self.terminal_constraint.ub = ca.vertcat(ca.DM(self.x_ub_s), -ca.DM(self.x_lb_s)) = -ca.inf * ca.DM.ones(2 * self._n_x_s) def _sanity_check_probability_values(self, var, type): if var is None: return var else: var = check_and_wrap_to_list(var) for i in var: if i < 0 or i > 1: raise TypeError( f"The probabilities must be between 0 and 1. The variable time {type} has some values" f" ouside this range.") return var def set_box_constraints(self, x_ub=None, x_lb=None, u_ub=None, u_lb=None, y_ub=None, y_lb=None, z_ub=None, z_lb=None, *args, **kwargs): raise TypeError( "set_box_constraints is not available in stochastic MPC. Use 'set_box_chance_constraints' instead.") def set_box_chance_constraints(self, x_ub=None, x_lb=None, u_ub=None, u_lb=None, y_ub=None, y_lb=None, z_ub=None, z_lb=None, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: add method's documentation """ Set box constraints for the SMPC. """ # The equivalent deterministic case has n_x_s + n_x_s**2 number of states. So we need to expand the bounds provided # by the user # TODO: this can be simplified by looping over all bounds instead of writing everything again # NOTE: once issue #3 is solved, the following lines should be not necessary anymore if x_ub is not None: self.x_ub_s = x_ub var_x_ub = np.eye(self._n_x_s) var_x_ub[var_x_ub == 0] = ca.inf var_x_ub[var_x_ub == 1] = ca.inf var_x_ub = var_x_ub.flatten().tolist() x_ub = x_ub + var_x_ub # Get probability of constraint satisfaction self._x_ub_p = self._sanity_check_probability_values(kwargs.get('x_ub_p', np.ones(self._n_x_s) * 0.954), 'x_ub') if x_lb is not None: self.x_lb_s = x_lb var_x_lb = np.eye(self._n_x_s) var_x_lb[var_x_lb == 0] = -ca.inf var_x_lb[var_x_lb == 1] = 0 var_x_lb = var_x_lb.flatten().tolist() x_lb = x_lb + var_x_lb # Get probability of constraint satisfaction self._x_lb_p = self._sanity_check_probability_values(kwargs.get('x_lb_p', np.ones(self._n_x_s) * 0.954), 'x_lb') if y_ub is not None: self.y_ub_s = y_ub var_y_ub = np.eye(self._n_x_s) var_y_ub[var_y_ub == 0] = ca.inf var_y_ub[var_y_ub == 1] = ca.inf var_y_ub = var_y_ub.flatten().tolist() y_ub = y_ub + var_y_ub # Get probability of constraint satisfaction self._y_ub_p = self._sanity_check_probability_values(kwargs.get('y_ub_p', np.ones(self._n_y_s) * 0.954), 'y_ub') if y_lb is not None: self.y_lb_s = y_lb var_y_lb = np.eye(self._n_y_s) var_y_lb[var_y_lb == 0] = -ca.inf var_y_lb[var_y_lb == 1] = 0 var_y_lb = var_y_lb.flatten().tolist() y_lb = y_lb + var_y_lb # Get probability of constraint satisfaction self._y_ub_p = self._sanity_check_probability_values(kwargs.get('y_lb_p', np.ones(self._n_y_s) * 0.954), 'y_lb') if z_ub is not None: self.z_ub_s = z_ub var_z_ub = np.eye(self._n_z_s) var_z_ub[var_z_ub == 0] = ca.inf var_z_ub[var_z_ub == 1] = ca.inf var_z_ub = var_z_ub.flatten().tolist() z_ub = z_ub + var_z_ub # Get probability of constraint satisfaction self._z_ub_p = self._sanity_check_probability_values(kwargs.get('z_ub_p', np.ones(self._n_z_s) * 0.954), 'z_ub') if z_lb is not None: self.z_lb_s = z_lb var_z_lb = np.eye(self._n_x_s) var_z_lb[var_z_lb == 0] = -ca.inf var_z_lb[var_z_lb == 1] = 0 var_z_lb = var_z_lb.flatten().tolist() z_lb = z_lb + var_z_lb # Get probability of constraint satisfaction self._z_lb_p = self._sanity_check_probability_values(kwargs.get('z_lb_p', np.ones(self._n_z_s) * 0.954), 'z_lb') # Note: the deterministic MPC problem takes the bounds also for the covariance elements since the model is # expanded by the covariance elements super(SMPC, self).set_box_constraints(x_ub=x_ub, x_lb=x_lb, u_ub=u_ub, u_lb=u_lb, y_ub=y_ub, y_lb=y_lb, z_ub=z_ub, z_lb=z_lb) def set_custom_constraints_function(self, fun=None, lb=None, ub=None, soft=False, max_violation=ca.inf): raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.set_custom_constraints_function.__name__} is not yet implemented for {self._type} class. ") def set_stage_constraints(self, stage_constraint=None, lb=None, ub=None, is_soft=False, max_violation=ca.inf, weight=None, name='stage_constraint'): raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.set_stage_constraints.__name__} is not yet implemented for {self._type} class. ") def set_terminal_constraints(self, stage_constraint=None, lb=None, ub=None, is_soft=False, max_violation=ca.inf, weight=None, name='stage_constraint'): raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.set_terminal_constraints.__name__} is not yet implemented for {self._type} class. ") def setup(self, options=None, solver_options=None) -> None: self.set_nlp_options(options) self._get_chance_constraints() Kx = self.Kx[0:self._n_x_s, 0:self._n_x_s] Ku = self.Kgain @ Kx @ self.Kgain.T Q = self.quad_stage_cost.Q[0:self._n_x_s, 0:self._n_x_s] R = self.quad_stage_cost.R # Add covariance component in the objective function self.stage_cost.cost = ca.trace(Q @ Kx) + ca.trace(R @ Ku) # Setup equivalent deterministic problem self._setup(options=options, solver_options=solver_options) def optimize(self, x0, cp=None, tvp=None, v0=None, runs=0, fix_x0=True, **kwargs): cov_x0 = kwargs.get('cov_x0', None) if cov_x0 is None: raise ValueError("To solve the SMPC you need to provide an intial condition for state covariance values. " "Please pass a 'cov_x0' as well.") if self._Kgain_is_set is False: Kgain = kwargs.get('Kgain', None) if Kgain is None: raise ValueError("It looks like you have not passed the gain of the ancillary controller yet. " "Please provide a 'Kgain' to the optimize method.") else: Kgain = check_and_wrap_to_DM(Kgain) kgain = ca.reshape(Kgain, self._n_x_s * self._n_u_s, 1) if cp is not None: cp = ca.vertcat(cp, kgain) else: cp = kgain x0 = check_and_wrap_to_DM(x0) cov_x0 = check_and_wrap_to_DM(cov_x0) cov_x0 = ca.reshape(cov_x0, self._n_x_s ** 2, 1) x0 = ca.vertcat(x0, cov_x0) super().optimize(x0, cp=cp, tvp=tvp, v0=v0, runs=runs, fix_x0=fix_x0, **kwargs) def plot_prediction(self, save_plot=False, plot_dir=None, name_file='mpc_prediction.html', show_plot=True, extras=None, extras_names=None, title=None, format_figure=None, **kwargs): # I need to tell the NMPC how many stochastic states there are kwargs['n_x_s'] = self._n_x_s super().plot_prediction(save_plot=save_plot, plot_dir=plot_dir, name_file=name_file, show_plot=show_plot, extras=extras, extras_names=extras_names, title=title, format_figure=format_figure, **kwargs) __all__ = [ 'NMPC', 'LMPC' ]