Source code for

#   This file is part of HILO-MPC
#   HILO-MPC is a toolbox for easy, flexible and fast development of machine-learning-supported
#   optimal control and estimation problems
#   Copyright (c) 2021 Johannes Pohlodek, Bruno Morabito, Rolf Findeisen
#                      All rights reserved
#   HILO-MPC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
#   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   HILO-MPC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#   along with HILO-MPC. If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import copy
from typing import Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Union

import casadi as ca
import numpy as np

from ....util.machine_learning import Parameter, Hyperparameter
from ....util.util import is_list_like

IntArray = Union[int, Sequence[int]]
Numeric = Union[int, float]
Coeff = Union[Numeric, Sequence[Numeric], np.ndarray]
Mu = TypeVar('Mu', bound='Mean')
Array = TypeVar('Array', ca.SX, ca.MX, np.ndarray)
Param = TypeVar('Param', bound=Parameter)

[docs]class Mean(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Mean function base class :param active_dims: :type: active_dims: int, list of int, optional """ def __init__(self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None) -> None: """Constructor method""" self.active_dims = active_dims def __add__(self, other: Mu) -> 'Sum': """Addition method""" return Sum(self, other) def __mul__(self, other: Union[Mu, Numeric]) -> Union['Product', 'Scale']: """Multiplication method""" if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Scale(self, other) else: return Product(self, other) def __pow__(self, power: Numeric, modulo: Optional[int] = None) -> 'Power': """Power method""" return Power(self, power) def __radd__(self, other: Mu) -> 'Sum': """Addition method (from the right)""" return Sum(other, self) def __rmul__(self, other: Union[Mu, Numeric]) -> Union['Product', 'Scale']: """Multiplication method (from the right)""" if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return Scale(self, other) else: return Product(other, self) def __str__(self) -> str: """String representation method""" message = "Mean with \n" for attribute, value in self.__dict__.items(): if attribute[0] != '_': message += f"\t {attribute}: {value} \n" return message def __call__(self, X: Array) -> Array: """Calling method""" is_symbolic = False if isinstance(X, (ca.SX, ca.MX)): is_symbolic = True dimension_input_space = X.shape[0] if self.active_dims is None: active_dims = np.arange(dimension_input_space, dtype=np.int_) else: active_dims = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(self.active_dims, dtype=np.int_)) x = ca.SX.sym('x', dimension_input_space, 1) mean_function = self.get_mean_function(x, active_dims) if is_symbolic: hyperparameters = { parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters} else: hyperparameters = { parameter.value for parameter in self.hyperparameters} mean = mean_function(x=X, **hyperparameters)['mean'] if is_symbolic: return mean else: return mean.full() @property def hyperparameters(self) -> list[Param]: """ :return: """ hyperparameters = [] for attribute in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(attribute, Parameter): hyperparameters.append(attribute) return hyperparameters @property def hyperparameter_names(self) -> list[str]: """ :return: """ names = [] for attribute in self.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(attribute, Parameter): names.append( return names
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_mean_function(self, x: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param active_dims: :return: """ pass
[docs] def is_bounded(self) -> bool: # pragma: no cover """ :return: """ for parameter in self.hyperparameters: bounds = parameter.bounds if bounds[0] != -ca.inf: return True if bounds[1] != ca.inf: return True return False
[docs] def update(self, *args) -> None: """ :param args: :return: """ self.parent.update(*args)
[docs] @staticmethod def constant( bias: Numeric = 1., hyperprior: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> Mu: """ :param bias: :param hyperprior: :param kwargs: :return: """ return ConstantMean(bias=bias, hyperprior=hyperprior, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def zero() -> Mu: """ :return: """ return ZeroMean()
[docs] @staticmethod def one() -> Mu: """ :return: """ return OneMean()
[docs] @staticmethod def polynomial( degree: int, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, coefficient: Coeff = 1., offset: Numeric = 1., hyperprior: Optional[Union[str, dict[str, Union[str, list[str]]]]] = None, **kwargs ) -> Mu: """ :param degree: :param active_dims: :param coefficient: :param offset: :param hyperprior: :param kwargs: :return: """ return PolynomialMean(degree, active_dims=active_dims, coefficient=coefficient, offset=offset, hyperprior=hyperprior, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def linear( active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, coefficient: Coeff = 1., hyperprior: Optional[Union[str, dict[str, Union[str, list[str]]]]] = None, **kwargs ) -> Mu: """ :param active_dims: :param coefficient: :param hyperprior: :param kwargs: :return: """ return LinearMean(active_dims=active_dims, coefficient=coefficient, hyperprior=hyperprior, **kwargs)
[docs]class ConstantMean(Mean): """ Constant mean function :param bias: :type bias: :param hyperprior: :type hyperprior: :param kwargs: """ acronym = "Const" def __init__( self, bias: Numeric = 1., hyperprior: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__() hyper_kwargs = {} if hyperprior is not None: hyper_kwargs['prior'] = hyperprior hyperprior_parameters = kwargs.get('hyperprior_parameters') if hyperprior_parameters is not None: hyper_kwargs['prior_parameters'] = hyperprior_parameters bounds = kwargs.get('bounds') if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover bias_bounds = bounds.get('bias') if bias_bounds is not None: if bias_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = bias_bounds self.bias = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.bias', positive=False, value=bias, **hyper_kwargs)
[docs] def get_mean_function(self, x: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param active_dims: :return: """ bias = self.bias if isinstance(bias, Parameter): bias_arg_name = [] bias = bias.SX bias_arg = [bias] else: bias_arg = [] bias_arg_name = [] mean_function = ca.Function( 'mean', [x] + bias_arg, [bias], ['x'] + bias_arg_name, ['mean'] ) return mean_function
[docs]class ZeroMean(ConstantMean): """Zero mean function""" acronym = "Zero" def __init__(self): """Constructor method""" super().__init__() self.bias = 0.
[docs]class OneMean(ConstantMean): """One mean function""" acronym = "One" def __init__(self): """Constructor method""" super().__init__() self.bias = 1.
[docs]class PolynomialMean(Mean): """ Polynomial mean function :param degree: :type degree: :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param coefficient: :type coefficient: :param offset: :type offset: :param hyperprior: :type hyperprior: :param kwargs: """ acronym = "Poly" def __init__( self, degree: int, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, coefficient: Coeff = 1., offset: Numeric = 1., hyperprior: Optional[Union[str, dict[str, Union[str, list[str]]]]] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(active_dims=active_dims) bounds = kwargs.get('bounds') if bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover coefficient_bounds = bounds.get('coefficient') offset_bounds = bounds.get('offset') else: # pragma: no cover coefficient_bounds, offset_bounds = None, None if active_dims is not None and is_list_like(coefficient): if len(active_dims) != len(coefficient): raise ValueError(f"Dimension mismatch between 'active_dims' ({len(active_dims)}) and the number of " f"coefficients ({len(coefficient)})") if hyperprior is not None: if not isinstance(hyperprior, dict): if isinstance(hyperprior, str): hyperprior = {'coefficient': hyperprior, 'offset': hyperprior} else: raise TypeError(f"Wrong type '{type(hyperprior).__name__}' for keyword argument 'hyperprior'") else: hyperprior = {'coefficient': None, 'offset': None} hyperprior_parameters = kwargs.get('hyperprior_parameters') if hyperprior_parameters is None: hyperprior_parameters = {} hyper_kwargs = {} if 'coefficient' in hyperprior: hyper_kwargs['prior'] = hyperprior.get('coefficient') if 'coefficient' in hyperprior_parameters: hyper_kwargs['prior_parameters'] = hyperprior_parameters.get('coefficient') if coefficient_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if coefficient_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = coefficient_bounds self.coefficient = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.coefficient', positive=False, value=coefficient, **hyper_kwargs) hyper_kwargs = {} if 'offset' in hyperprior: hyper_kwargs['prior'] = hyperprior.get('offset') if 'offset' in hyperprior_parameters: hyper_kwargs['prior_parameters'] = hyperprior_parameters.get('offset') if offset_bounds is not None: # pragma: no cover if offset_bounds == 'fixed': hyper_kwargs['fixed'] = True else: hyper_kwargs['bounds'] = offset_bounds self.offset = Hyperparameter(f'{self.acronym}.offset', positive=False, value=offset, **hyper_kwargs) self._p = degree @property def degree(self) -> int: """ :return: """ return self._p @degree.setter def degree(self, value: int): self._p = value
[docs] def get_mean_function(self, x: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param active_dims: :return: """ p = self._p coefficient = self.coefficient.SX M = self.get_parameterized_coefficients(active_dims.size, coefficient) offset = self.offset if isinstance(offset, Parameter): offset_arg_name = [] offset = offset.SX offset_arg = [offset] else: offset_arg = [] offset_arg_name = [] mean_function = ca.Function( 'mean', [x, coefficient] + offset_arg, [(M(coefficient).T @ x[active_dims] + offset) ** p], ['x',] + offset_arg_name, ['mean'] ) return mean_function
[docs] @staticmethod def get_parameterized_coefficients(dimension_input_space: int, coefficient: ca.SX) -> ca.Function: """ :param dimension_input_space: :param coefficient: :return: """ if coefficient.is_scalar(): M = ca.Function('M', [coefficient], [coefficient * ca.SX.ones(dimension_input_space)]) elif coefficient.numel() == dimension_input_space: M = ca.Function('M', [coefficient], [coefficient]) else: raise ValueError("Coefficient vector dimension does not equal input space dimension.") return M
[docs]class LinearMean(PolynomialMean): """ Linear mean function :param active_dims: :type active_dims: :param coefficient: :type coefficient: :param hyperprior: :type hyperprior: :param kwargs: """ acronym = "Lin" def __init__( self, active_dims: Optional[IntArray] = None, coefficient: Coeff = 1., hyperprior: Optional[Union[str, dict[str, Union[str, list[str]]]]] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(1, active_dims=active_dims, coefficient=coefficient, hyperprior=hyperprior, **kwargs) self.offset = 0.
class MeanOperator(Mean, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Mean function operator base class :param mean_1: :type mean_1: :param mean_2: :type mean_2: """ def __init__(self, mean_1: Mu, mean_2: Optional[Mu] = None) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__() self.mean_1 = copy.deepcopy(mean_1) if mean_2 is not None: self.mean_2 = copy.deepcopy(mean_2) else: self.mean_2 = mean_2 self.disambiguate_hyperparameter_names() @property def hyperparameters(self) -> list[Param]: """ :return: """ if self.mean_2 is not None: return self.mean_1.hyperparameters + self.mean_2.hyperparameters else: return self.mean_1.hyperparameters @property def hyperparameter_names(self) -> list[str]: """ :return: """ if self.mean_2 is not None: return self.mean_1.hyperparameter_names + self.mean_2.hyperparameter_names else: return self.mean_1.hyperparameter_names def disambiguate_hyperparameter_names(self) -> None: """ :return: """ if self.mean_2 is not None: mean_1_has_acronym = hasattr(self.mean_1, 'acronym') mean_2_has_acronym = hasattr(self.mean_2, 'acronym') if mean_1_has_acronym and mean_2_has_acronym: if self.mean_1.acronym == self.mean_2.acronym: for parameter in self.mean_1.hyperparameters: old_name = if '.' in old_name: new_name = self.mean_1.acronym + '_1.' + old_name.split('.')[1] else: new_name = self.mean_1.acronym + '_1.' + old_name = new_name for parameter in self.mean_2.hyperparameters: old_name = if '.' in old_name: new_name = self.mean_2.acronym + '_2.' + old_name.split('.')[1] else: new_name = self.mean_2.acronym + '_2.' + old_name = new_name elif mean_1_has_acronym: mean_2_acronyms = dict.fromkeys([name.split('.')[0] for name in self.mean_2.hyperparameter_names]) has_mean_1_acronym = [self.mean_1.acronym in name for name in mean_2_acronyms] ct = 1 for k, val in enumerate(mean_2_acronyms.keys()): if has_mean_1_acronym[k]: ct += 1 mean_2_acronyms[val] = ct for parameter in self.mean_1.hyperparameters: old_name = if '.' in old_name: new_name = self.mean_1.acronym + '_1.' + old_name.split('.')[1] else: new_name = self.mean_1.acronym + '_1.' + old_name = new_name for parameter in self.mean_2.hyperparameters: args ='.') old_acronym = args[0] val = mean_2_acronyms.get(old_acronym) if val is not None: new_acronym = old_acronym.split('_')[0] + '_' + str(val) = new_acronym + '.' + args[1] elif mean_2_has_acronym: mean_1_acronyms = set([name.split('.')[0] for name in self.mean_1.hyperparameter_names]) has_mean_2_acronym = [self.mean_2.acronym in name for name in mean_1_acronyms] new_index = has_mean_2_acronym.count(True) + 1 for parameter in self.mean_2.hyperparameters: old_name = if '.' in old_name: new_name = self.mean_2.acronym + '_' + str(new_index) + '.' + old_name.split('.')[1] else: new_name = self.mean_2.acronym + '_' + str(new_index) + '.' + old_name = new_name else: mean_1_acronyms = set([name.split('.')[0] for name in self.mean_1.hyperparameter_names]) mean_1_acronyms = [name.split('_')[0] for name in mean_1_acronyms] mean_2_acronyms = dict.fromkeys([name.split('.')[0] for name in self.mean_2.hyperparameter_names]) mean_2_counter = {} for k, val in enumerate(mean_2_acronyms.keys()): args = val.split('_') acronym = args[0] count = mean_1_acronyms.count(acronym) mean_2_count = mean_2_counter.get(acronym) if mean_2_count is not None: count += mean_2_count mean_2_counter[acronym] += 1 else: mean_2_counter[acronym] = 1 if count != 0: mean_2_acronyms[val] = count + 1 for parameter in self.mean_2.hyperparameters: args ='.') old_acronym = args[0] val = mean_2_acronyms.get(old_acronym) if val is not None: new_acronym = old_acronym.split('_')[0] + '_' + str(val) = new_acronym + '.' + args[1] class Scale(MeanOperator): """ Scale operator for mean functions :param mean: :type mean: :param scale: :type scale: """ def __init__(self, mean: Mu, scale: Numeric) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(mean, mean_2=None) self.scale = scale def get_mean_function(self, x: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param active_dims: :return: """ mean = self.mean_1(x) scale = self.scale hyperparameters = [parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters] hyperparameter_names = [ for parameter in self.hyperparameters] mean_scale = ca.Function( 'mean', [x, *hyperparameters], [scale * mean], ['x', *hyperparameter_names], ['mean'] ) return mean_scale class Sum(MeanOperator): """ Sum operator for mean functions :param mean_1: :type mean_1: :param mean_2: :type mean_2: """ def get_mean_function(self, x: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param active_dims: :return: """ mean_1 = self.mean_1(x) mean_2 = self.mean_2(x) hyperparameters = [parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters] hyperparameter_names = [ for parameter in self.hyperparameters] mean_sum = ca.Function( 'mean', [x, *hyperparameters], [mean_1 + mean_2], ['x', *hyperparameter_names], ['mean'] ) return mean_sum class Product(MeanOperator): """ Product operator for mean functions :param mean_1: :type mean_1: :param mean_2: :type mean_2: """ def get_mean_function(self, x: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param active_dims: :return: """ mean_1 = self.mean_1(x) mean_2 = self.mean_2(x) hyperparameters = [parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters] hyperparameter_names = [ for parameter in self.hyperparameters] mean_prod = ca.Function( 'mean', [x, *hyperparameters], [mean_1 * mean_2], ['x', *hyperparameter_names], ['mean'] ) return mean_prod class Power(MeanOperator): """ Power operator for mean functions :param mean: :type mean: :param power: :type power: """ def __init__(self, mean: Mu, power: Numeric) -> None: """Constructor method""" super().__init__(mean, mean_2=None) self.power = power def get_mean_function(self, x: ca.SX, active_dims: np.ndarray) -> ca.Function: """ :param x: :param active_dims: :return: """ mean = self.mean_1(x) power = self.power hyperparameters = [parameter.SX for parameter in self.hyperparameters] hyperparameter_names = [ for parameter in self.hyperparameters] mean_pow = ca.Function( 'mean', [x, *hyperparameters], [mean ** power], ['x', *hyperparameter_names], ['mean'] ) return mean_pow class Warp(MeanOperator): """""" __all__ = [ 'Mean', 'ConstantMean', 'ZeroMean', 'OneMean', 'PolynomialMean', 'LinearMean' ]